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Now, as I have stated about 50 million time before, I am completely okay with abortions.
When someone get's one really late in the pregnancy because they don't want it, I think "Well you coulda made that decision a little earlier. It could probably survive outside the womb by now.".
But that's only with woman who've known they're pregnant for months but waited so long to friggin decide. However, it must be one of the hardest decisions one has to make.

Obviously woman that have to have abortions because either the fetus has some illness/defect/whatever or the woman's life is threatned if she carried the fetus any longer/has illness/etc should not even be put into the same sentence as woman who freely choose to abort late in the pregnancy because they don't want the baby.

If I accidentally became pregnant at my age the only choice I'd have to make is when to make my appointment at the abortion clinic.
There are no two ways about it (though I know I would probably be an emotional wreck before and after..).
I am not emotionally, mentally or physically ready to have a child. I am also not finacially capable of paying for a child either, and could not put my parents in the postion of doing that for me.
I could not destroy my early adulthood by having a kid.

Young motherhood is something that has touched my family personaly. We all would never be without my nephew, but parenting is not easy.

People who come from families where people do the whole "meet someone, get married, have kids, live happily ever after" have no idea what it's really like.
I'm probably partially right in saying that most anti-abortionist come from homes like that. Where the reality of teen pregnancies has not touched their lives personally.

It's not just teenage girls who get abortions either.
Grown woman do. Those woman who are in their mis-late 20's/30's that get abortions have every right to get one.
After all, they are old enough to know what they are and are not capable of.
Besides, is it too much to accept that not all woman even want to have children?
Is is so much for those consevative, pro-life religious fucks/pro-life non-religious fucks to understand that parenting is not for everyone??

I would really love them to answer me that. Do they actually think that every human walking and breathing on this planet should eventually breed?

What about adopting some third world children? They need homes.
That's why I would rather abort a fetus than carry it full term and then put it up for adoption. It's not fair on the already living, homeless children around the world. (Plus, knowing me, if I carried full term and gave birth to the thing I'd probably be attached to it and end up keeping it. Or my mother would.)
They should not have to compete for loving homes with conceived, biological kids.
I think for the next decade conceiving fetuses should be banned so all the kids with no proper home can actually get one.

I really get so sick of people jumping to conlusions as to why a woman has had an abortion.
They always say "Well you could have thought of that before jumping into bed and having unprotected sex!"

Uh, for all those idiots could know, that woman was raped by her uncle.
Or the condom broke.
Or her stupid doctor who prescribed her BC pills forgot to tell her that BC pills don't work when you're on anti-biotics.
Or maybe her boyfriend forced her to have sex one time but he refused to use a condom. Which does happen. Just because you're going out, does not mean rape doesn't exsist.

It shouldn't just be up to the girl to keep herself safe.
Men need to start taking responsibilty for their goddamn actions too. And they should also be shit scared of having kids.
Of course, girls who find themselves in a situation where the person they are planning on having sex with says he doesn't have a condom, can always choose to say "No".

If it wasn't for Jesus Christ and God and Jehovah and all the other FUCKING RETARDED things of worship for so many people around this Earth, than woman would be free to make a choice based on her indivual needs and wants.
It's not just the abortion debate that woman are harrassed about.

And please can the stupid teenagers of the world who keep getting pregnant remove your unteruses NOW?

Some technical things you might want to know:

A fetus is actually a cannibalistic parasite.

Fetuses really don't have any rights until they can survive outside the womb on their own (not counting the use of tubes for premature babies).

Partical Birth Abortion is not a real medical term.

One extra thing:

I don't hate or dislike children and babies. They are a wonderful part of nature and can be quite magical. Some people just should not have them. At all. Ever.

If you would like to send me hate mail, you may do so

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