Billy is, infact, a girl. Yup. FE-male.
That's okay, I don't mind at all. She will still be called Billy :)
The vet gave her a clean bill of health and trimmed off some of her mats, but due to time contraints he was unable to remove them all, so showed me how to do it will scissors so I can do the rest.
She's got a really bad one by her bottom and tail which is urine soaked and I am dreading trying to get that out. It's in such a delicate area. (I will obviously be wearing gloves, also.)
Thank GOD you can "hypnotise" a bunny by cradling it on it's back. This way I will not get thumped in the face while I cut the mats out :D
Stupidly I forgot to ask how old he thought she is, so I will have to ask next time. I mean, really, where was my brain? At least I got the most important stuff answered.
(The vet wasn't the one that looks like James Dean, but he was nice looking anyway. Shit, he's a vet - they're ALL hot.)
It's bitterly cold and horrible right now :(
P.S, driving home from the vet we passed a church and someone had spray painted "Satan" on the front doors.
I laughed.
So did Mum.
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