I have a new affiliate, Ally! Hello :]
Also, I'm going away for about two weeks tomorrow, so all affie and link exchange requests will be replied to when I get home. Same applies for all Quilting Bee trade requests.
I've made two new fanlistings as well:
The View and Skag Trendy.
Have fun on your time away hehe =]
20/06/07 @ 03:18 | Permalinkhi! <3 i have no pop-up ads now! <3 visit my (our) new site: www.winciana.co.nr!
24/06/07 @ 22:25 | PermalinkWell, there's no point in this comment, except I wanted to tell you that I visited your site for the first time today and that is really cute and I really like it. :)
04/07/07 @ 23:38 | PermalinkAllowed XHTML tags: <p, ul, ol, li, dl, dt, dd, address, blockquote, ins, del, span, bdo, br, em, strong, dfn, code, samp, kdb, var, cite, abbr, acronym, q, sub, sup, tt, i, b, big, small>