Thought Bursts
May 24th 07, 00:34 - Categories: Personal, My Life, Thoughts, Website, Updates, Music  

I have been editing pages on here most of the day. It feels good to be getting them done and "cleaning" them up.

I really should go to bed because I can barely stay awake anymore.

It looks as though Mum and I will be moving back to Auckland while Dad stays here for his job and works on the house to get ready to sell. He will follow us soon enough.
Mum and I will come back and forth to help him with the house and stuff.

I don't know how I feel about moving back there so soon. I just wasn't expecting it right now. I mean, I don't even know when we are going, but Dad is seemingly laid-back about it all and doesn't seem in a rush, so that's good. Gives Mum and I time to sort ourselves out and what-have-you.

I packed two boxes tonight. I have alot more to box up, the stuff I don't need, because Dad is driving a small truck to Auckland with our unneeded junk this coming Monday.

I was watching some home clutter organising, Super Woman on the Living Channel this afternoon and I think we need her.

Listening to some TMV and now I shall go to bed and hopefully fall asleep and not get woken by Teh Evil Kitteh And Her More Evil Clawz.

P.S, go listen to my Radio Blog ("radio" on navigation bar) and listen to the song 'Frances The Mute' by The Mars Volta.
I fucking love this song. It makes the whole world perfect for 14 minutes and 36 seconds (yes, it really is that long and you better listen to the whole thing or I'll cut you).

P.P.S, Pirates Of The Caribbean 3 opens tomorrow and I need to go and see it! Captain Jack and I are resuming our affair of the loins.

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