It's been a little while, I know. Have been sick with a cold the last few days, which is very inconvenient as we're having people look through the house some days. I'm also having to scramble about to organise all my online things (fanlists mostly) as well as pack for going away to Auckland with Mum for a couple of weeks.
When we go away we take our dogs and my cat with us because of Dad working so much and stuff. We're taking the rabbit too because we're moving to Auckland anyway, so she's going to stay with my grandma until we get up there ourselves. The rabbit is doing well and is quite settled now.
I went away on June 2nd to see the band The View play in Auckland on June 4th. They were AMAZING. Seriously brilliant and I loved every second of it! I got loads of great pictures, as I was right up the front and in front of Kieren, the bassist, who's definitely not lacking in the looks department. I also came away with a set list and boasting abilities that I held Kieren's hand! So there!
Oh yeah, I ran into Kyle and Steve, singer and drummer respectively, on my way to the loo! They were just standing there talking to some people, so as I passed Steve I grinned and said "Oh my God!" and he grinned back. Then as I was coming back from the loo I smiled at Kyle and he grinned back. It was so seriously cool. Plus I decided that Kyle was one of the most adorable individuals ever after that grin. He's much better looking in person, and he's so...cute! I just wanted to hug him. Which is probably not the kind of look he's going for. Being the cute one, I mean. He might prefer being known as the Sex God, but Kieren's got that one down pat. I think you'd have to be insane not to find him good looking.
In more websitey news, I haven't done any more work on the site since I got back on the 8th. Been too busy!
I had a moment of dopiness a few days ago and decided I'd apply to create two new fanlists, a The View one and one for The View's song 'Skag Trendy'.
I've been approved for 'Skag Trendy' so will make that today. I have yet to be approved for The View one but made it anyway yesterday in case I was approved when I was away and everything. That way I don't have to panic when I get home or when I'm away.
Now I have The Quilting Bee stuff to do and blah, blah, blah.
Must organise clothes to pack and things to take away.
Arrrggghhhh, so hectic!
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