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Absinthe & Vodkr
Equal Marriage Rights
I suppose by now, most of you will have guest that religion and myself don't mesh too well. That is to say I think it's a pile of crap. Now, this doesn't mean that I hate religious people. Why would I? They're humans too, but just with different beliefs to me. Doesn't mean I'm going to shut them out or anything. Infact I know some really lovely people who are.
he one thing, though, that really bothers me about religion is the claim that marriage is a religious only thing.
In this day and age, people of all walks of life, races and beliefs have adopted a form of marriage or "eternal union" (though most end in divorce actually. I wonder why...). All societies have a form marriage. Not just Christians or Jewish or Muslims or whatever.
The tribes of Africa have forms of marriage, often accompanied with a large ceremony including the whole village.
So, why can't gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender couples do it?
Because the scriptures/bible/what-have-you says it's wrong??
How do you even know the words are actually real?
What about the thousands of years before any kind of relgious scriptures exsisted?
Ok, I'll admit that most of my religious frustrations are directed at Christianity, mainly because that religion is the one I've had the most bad experiences with, which I wont go into.
Might I remind the Catholic Church how many of their priests seem to enjoy sexual acts with young boys and girls? But that's ok because they'll just go to confession and will all be well again!
But I digress.
Back to marriage.
Marriage means something completely different to each person on this earth. To me it doesn't mean that much, because I believe people to be completely capable of spending their lives together without going through the whole proccess. I don't think it adds a hell of a lot to a relationship, other than next-oh-kinship and inheritance rights. But for some people, I knwo it does.
Anyway, along with marriage comes the right to be your partners next-of-kin, and also you have a stronger hold on your parters estate should something happen to them.
If, say, you are lesbian and are with your partner for 30 years when she dies. She leaves most things in her Will to you, but her family were never happy with her sexualty and blame you for her being lesbian. Since you were not married, her family overrride the will and you're be left with nothing.
That. Does. Happen.
It's not fair! Gay, lesbian, biselxual and transgender people love each other just as much as any heterosexual couple, if not more, so why can't they get married too?
I'm fortunate living in New Zealand where our government is currently going through the throws of recognising gay and lesbian relationships in law. Not exactly by marriage though, but it's better than nothing...
For more information on this, visit this site
Please sign the petition for the Civil Union Bill and the Relationships (Statutory References) Bill.
Religion should not be mixed with politics. Just let everyone and anyone who wants to marry, with a ceremony and all, marry! What's the big deal?
Christian "rules" should apply to Christians only, not anyone else of any other religion or no religion at all. And the same applies for ever other religion.
People do things differently, that is the way the Earth works.
To sign an American petition to recognise gay, lesbian, bisexual and transexual marriage, go here. America needs it because unfortunatley they have to deal with Bush. Pitty them, they're a powerful country that is turning to custard (actually, their government has always been custard, but that's another story). They need our help!
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