Years of the Dragon:Fourth in the cycle, Dragon years follow on from the Rabbit and recur every twelfth year thereafter.
1904 - 1916 - 1928 - 1940 - 1952 - 1964 - 1976 - 1988 - 2000 - 2012
The Dragon Personality:
The Dragon is a creature of myth and legend. Colorful and exotic, symbol of good fortune and emblem of power, the Oriental dragon is always regarded as a sacred beast - reverse of the archetypal malevolent monster that Westerner of old felt compelled to seek out, defeat and slay. In Eastern philosophy, the Dragon is held to be a bringer of good fortune and a holder of authority and those people born in Dragon Years are therefore to be honored and respected.
Facts on Dragon:
People born in the year of the Dragon share specific characteristics that are common to all other Dragon. TO say that someone is a Dragon is simply a shorthand way of describing that individual's personality.
Originality :: Adaptability Self-assurance :: Valor :: Tactlessness :: Resourcefulness :: Arrogance
Enthusiasm :: Criticism :: Quick-tempered :: Unpredictability :: Hot-headedness
Basic Character
The key to the Dragon personality is that these folk are the free spirit of the Zodiac and a law unto themselves. Having to conform is anathema to the Dragon. To him or her, rules and regulations are made only for other people. Restrictions squeeze stone dead the creative spark that at every turn is ready to flame into life. Dragons need to be as free as the wind and clouds that are their domain.
The Dragon is a gorgeous creature, as colorful and flamboyant as a gilded dragon in a Chinese pageant. Everything Dragon folk do is on the grand scale - big ideas, extravagant features, massive and ambitions. But they don't behave this way for show, it is simply their nature. And because they have confidence and enthusiasm and are fearless in the face of challenge, they most invariably meet with success.
Dragons, one way or another, usually make it to the top. However, Dragon people need to beware of their own natures. Too much enthusiasm and too much beating of Dragon wings can leave them exhausted and their ambitions unfulfilled and their Dragon pride can prevent them from accepting help from other people. Dragons are always able to attract friends through their generous natures, their style and sheer magnetism but they can be rather solitary people at heart.
Metal Dragon | Year: 1940 & 2000
Honest but intolerant, gutsy but inflexible, straightforward but insensitive, these Dragons have a steely strength as well as the Dragon fire. Metal Dragons succeed in everything by sheer grit and defiance. They are tough and they respect those who can stand up to them; but weaker mortals get short shrift from these Dragons. They make a powerful ally in time of trouble but they are ferocious as opponents. Metal Dragons can often ruthlessly subdue others by strength and the sheer force of their personalities, They are always looking for action and things are never better than when they are defending a principle or conviction in which they have unshakeable faith. They like to lead and others are often drawn to follow them.
Water Dragon | Year: 1952 & 2012
Water has a calming influence on the Dragon's bold and fiery temperament. It may not quench the Dragon's fire but it enables the Dragon to direct it more thoughtfully and makes this kind of Dragon more sensitive to others and more cooperative. These Dragons know the art of patience and do not have the same burning desire to be the focus of attention as other Dragons, they are better able to stand back from things and take an objective view of the situation. Thus they make wise judgments and are much more prepared to see eye-to eye with other people.
Wood Dragon | Year: 1904 & 1964
Wood has a moderating influence and also brings practicality and imagination to this sign. Inquisitive and open-minded, Wood Dragon always enjoy discussing new ideas and are receptive to other people's point of view. They are creative and inventive as well as practical and they appreciate art in all its form. Generally less egotistical than most Dragons and with an ability to get on with other people. Wood Dragons have all the gifts required to build a successful and contented life for themselves. They still have the talent for being outspoken and can at times be a bit too pushy and insistent to please everyone, even in the most friendly dispute or cooperative venture.
Fire Dragon | Year: 1916 & 1976
The Fire Dragon is a force to be reckoned with. This is a Dragon multiplied by two and a powerful dynamo this can be! The Fire Dragon can go for the burn and accelerate from cool to explosive in under 60 seconds. In some ways the Fire Dragon is always his or her own worst enemy. These Dragons cannot help having the conviction that they are super-important and right about combination of enthusiasm and energy is a great asset to the cause; but although they value objectivity, they do not always apply the best judgment and sometimes jumps to the wrong conclusion. They also suffer from impetuosity and quick tempers but when they can manage to keep their temper, passion and competitive spirit under control, they can have a powerful influence on others.
ME: Earth Dragon | Year: 1928 & 1988
Logical and lever-headed, Earth Dragons have a flair for organizing and they make excellent managers. They still have the Dragons urge to dominate and be looked up to but they are sociable, approachable and cooperative and compared to other Dragons, less inclined to breathe fire or to erupt like a volcano at the least provocation. Earth Dragons will work hard and purposefully to succeed at their aims in life. The Earth element adds a reasonable and realistic note to the Dragon's character and a larger portion of self-control and normally the Earth Dragon is worthy of the respect he or she commands. In life and in love, these Dragons take their responsibilities seriously.
The Dragon Lover:
Dragon is a consummate egotist and show-off who loves the limelight; modesty in not one of the Dragon's assets. Then there is the Dragon temper, which is worst of all the Chinese Animals. Dragon can be dogmatic, domineering and bombastic. They hate taking advice from anyone, are quick to rebuke their nearest and dearest and can be hopelessly tactless and insensitive to their partners.
Dragons are warm and generous, charismatic and irresistibly attractive and so strong and courageous that standing beside them drives away fear. Their irrepressible exuberance makes the sun shine on the bleakest day and they generate excitement wherever they go. They are wild and impulsive and can make others realize their dreams. People love them because they're simply better when Dragons are around.
The Dragon Lover Partner
It takes someone tough, clever or extremely easygoing to be a Dragon's partner because despite their deep down sentimentality and their superficial irresistibility, they can be rude, moody and downright insensitive. Many people will feel the need to retire when the Dragon's fiery temper has been provoked.
Rat - 4/4 A brilliant relationship - plenty of passion, mental rapport and understanding. Tipped for happiness.
Ox - 1/4 When it comes to stubbornness, Dragons meet their match here. Where's the give and take essential for a happy together?
Tiger - 3/4 A gusty combination with plenty of sparks to fuel the passions and the fire.
Rabbit - 2/4 Your differences will either unite or divide you.
Dragon - 2/4 If you learn to share the limelight, the world will be your oyster.
Snake - 3/4 Clever and crafty, flirty and quick-witted - you fit together like two pieces of jigsaw.
Horse - 3/4 A power chemistry bonds you two sexually. Reach understanding and you'll have one heck of a partnership!
Sheep - 1/4 Despite the sexual attraction in the long run you are not suited for each other.
Monkey - 4/4 You think alike and understand each other - a combination destined to be happy and successful.
Rooster - 2/4 You two exquisite creatures make a gorgeous pair but your mega-egos tend to get in the way.
Dog - 1/4 A truly tempestuous affair - not recommended for peace of mind.
Pig - 3/4 A caring, sharing and deeply loving partnership.
The Dragon at Health
Dragons are blessed with good health, despite the fact that they run on high -octane energy, burn the candle at both ends and take breathtaking risks. They are among the most robust of the Animal signs but they can suffer ill-health as a result of stress. They commonly suffer from tension headaches and depression or hypertension can be prevalent in Dragons - caused by emotional storms. They can help themselves by keeping their fiery natures under control, getting some routine into their lives and taking forms of exercise that calm the mind and spirit as well as tone the body.
The Dragon at Home
Dragons are not the most domestic of creatures and may be happier out in the world than in a state of domesticity. Nevertheless, with their creativity and aesthetic sense, they can enjoy making an impressive home. It has to be somewhere that can express their flamboyant characters. A Dragon's home need to be as big and imposing as the Dragon personality, providing space for the fiery Dragon breath.
The Dragon at Work
Of the Dragon's many talents, it's originality that stands out the most. The Dragon is distinctly creative and a genius at lateral thingking, always able to see new avenues where others can see only brick walls. Dragons are highly adaptable and are suited to many occupations, especially if they can be in the limelight. In any of the many fields that the enterprising Dragon may decide to work in, he or she will always take a fresh and radical approach. Dragons work hard but they do not enjoy taking orders; they should avoid jobs that involve too much routine and should gravitate instead toward work in which their self-sufficiency can be an asset.
Dragon make Excellent
All those who are born in the Year of Dragon share not only similar talents and inherent skills but also the same kind of aims and ambitions in life.
Computer analyst :: Inventor :: Lawyer :: Engineer :: Architect :: Philosopher :: Broker :: Manager
Salesperson :: PR people :: Advertising agent :: Officer in the arm force :: Campaigners Politician
Compatible Business Partners
Whether Dragon benefit from or constantly conflict with their business partners depends, as in all relationships on whether their Animal signs are harmonious or antagonistic to each other.
Dragon ruled by... | Benefits from... | Is antagonistic to... |
Metal Water Wood Fire Earth |
Earth Snakes Metal Monkeys Water Roosters Wood Rats Water Fire Dragons Wood |
Fire Tigers Earth Sheep Metal Oxen Rabbits Wood Horses |
Compatible Friends
Although each individual person is unique, Chinese astrologers are very precise about which Animals have a general shared understanding and which have characters that are antagonistic to one another.
Best Friends - Rats & Monkeys
Secret Friend - Rooster
Mortal Enemy - Dogs
Color Preference = Greenish-blue
Suitable Gifts = Pack of Tarot cards
Executive toy
A copy of I Ching
A family crest
Mobile Phone
Hobbies & Past Time = Reading
Being ordered around
Unnecessary bureaucracy
Being told their ideas won't work
People who don't put hundred percent effort into their undertakings
From ForPLU.com
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