I got this particular layers thing from Kao-Ani, but I've seen it floating around various blog/journal sites.Last updated on May 3 2006.
Layer One
- Name: Samantha, but most people call me Sam. (^ω^)V
- Birth date: April 30, 1988.
- Birthplace: Howick, Auckland, New Zealand.
- Current Location: Gisborne, New Zealand.
- Gender: Female.
- Eye Color: Hazel-green.
- Hair Color: Natural brunette.
- Height: 168-ishcm (5.6 3/4" aprox.)
- Righty or Lefty: Righty.
- Zodiac Sign: Taurus.
- Your heritage: Maternal - English, Welsh, Scottish, French, possibly Maori. Paternal - English, French, some other stuff, maybe Italian.
- The shoes you wore today: None, just warm socks.
- Your weakness: Baby animals. Make me go all mushy and "Awww".
- Your fears: The people I love dying.
- Your perfect pizza: Vegetarian with lotsa cheese, black olives, tomato, herbs, etc.
- Goal you'd like to achieve: Vet nurse and work in an animal sactuary or zoo type place. Work with primates. Own my own little English-style cottage with a fairy garden.
- Your most overused phrase on IM: "lol". But I don't go on IM much these days.
- Your thoughts first waking up: "What time is it?" or "I need to wee."
- Your best physical feature: My eyes, hair, height, boobs, hands and usually I don't mind my feet.
- Your most missed memory: The carefree times of childhood.
- Pepsi or Coke: I don't mind either, though I'm more of a ginger ale kinda gal.
- McDonald's or Burger King: Burger king - they actually make vegetarian burgers. McDonalds used to make salad burgers, but they stopped because, clearly, they're dumb now.
- Single or group dates: I'm shy, and in a group I'm more relaxed and myself. I prefer single dates, but I'm not as..outspoken or talkative until I know the person.
- Adidas or Nike: I don't even remember what my crosstrainers are... Neither, I think. I don't like that style of clothing, anyway.
- Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Twinings Earl Grey, thank you very much.
- Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate. Duh.
- Cappuccino or coffee: Cappuccino IS coffee, just fancied up. I like coffee. Don't drink it often though.
- Smoke: No. Yucky.
- Sing: To myself. I went to lessons for a year when I was 11/12.
- Take a shower everyday: Most of the time, yes. Twice a day if I could.
- Do you think you've been in love: No. Definitely lust and a form of love, but not really IN love.
- Want to go to college: University.
- Like(d) high school: I didn't go. Unconventional education.
- Want to get married: I'm easy either way. I'd be just as happy not married, than if I was. I don't really see the point, except for practical reasons like next-of-kin rights and so on. It hasn't got any religious or spiritual meaning to me.
- Believe in yourself: I try really hard to, but I don't as often as I should.
- Get motion sickness: Pretty much always on boats. Occationally in cars.
- Think you're attractive: Sometimes.
- Think you're a health freak: No. I like junk food and excersizing sucks.
- Get along with your parent(s): Yes, very much so.
- Like thunderstorms: Until they get really freaky.
- Play an instrument: No.
- In the past month..
- Drank alcohol: Yes. I had a wine.
- Smoked: No way.
- Done a drug: Legal.
- Made Out: No.
- Gone on a date: Nope.
- Gone to the mall?: We don't have a mall here, just a main street.
- Eaten an entire box of Oreos?: No.
- Eaten sushi: No.
- Been on stage: No.
- Been dumped: No.
- Gone skating: No.
- Made homemade cookies: No.
- Gone skinny dipping: No.
- Dyed your hair: No.
- Stolen anything: No, that's just stupid.
- Ever...
- Played a game that required removal of clothing: Not yet.
- If so, was it mixed company: n/a
- Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: Oh yes. I'm not much of a drinker now. If I start I just keep going, so I may as well not bother.
- Been caught "doing something": No.
- Been called a tease: A number of times. Not in a bad sort of a way though.
- Gotten beaten up: No, that sort of thing is pointless.
- Shoplifted: Nope.
- Changed who you were to fit in: I used to, but not anymore. I enjoy being myself (most of the time.)
- Age you hope to be married: Doesn't bother me if I do at all. Don't care if it's 18 or 80 or never.
- Numbers and Names of Children: If I ever decided to go ahead with having children, I don't think I know how many I'd have, or what I'd call them. Though I am partial to the names Tallulah, Annabel, Ivy, Amelie, Leo, Max and Nino.
- Describe your Dream Wedding: I'd rather have a small one with close family and friends. Or just the two of us (and a witness), somewhere exotic.
- How do you want to die: Quick, painless and old.
- What do you want to be when you grow up: Happy, peaceful and fullfilled.
- What country would you most like to visit: France, Iran, various African countires, England, Wales, Ireland, Italy, Russua, Iceland. Everywhere.
- Opposite sex (or the same?): I am more into guys, but I would never close myself off to the possibility of being with a woman. You fall in love with who you fall in love with, male or female.
- Best eye color? Male: Blue, green or dark brown. Female: Green, Hazel or brown.
- Best hair color? Male: brown, black or blonde. Female: brunette or black.
- Short or long hair: Not fussed, so long as it suits them.
- Best Height? Male: Taller than me by a fair bit. Female: Dont care.
- Best weight: Male: Toned but not extremely muscley, slim. Female: curvey but not overweight.
- Best articles of clothing: Male: top hats, tailcoats, dark blue jeans, black boots, wifebeaters. Female: feminine things, eclectic/eccentirc clothing, simple jeans and T.
- Best first date location: Somwhere fun, like mini golf.
- Best first kiss location: Wherever it feels right.
- Number of drugs taken illegally: 2. Weed and alcohol.
- Number of people I could trust with my life: 6.
- Number of CDs that I own: Lost count.
- Number of piercings: 9
- Number of tattoos: 2
- Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper?: Once. Birth announcement.
- Number of scars on my body: Quite a few.
- Number of things in my past that I regret: Any I have, I'm ignoring them.
- Favourite Food: Sushi, falafel kebab, macaroni cheese, strawberries, watermelon, peaches, mango, vegetarian curries, chips/crisps.
- Favourite Music: So many different things. Look here.
- Favourite TV Series: Lost, The O.C, America's Next Top Model, Miami Ink, Gilmour Girls, Child Of Our Time with Professor Robert Winston, Monkey Business, The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy, etc.
- Favourite Stuff: Drawing, cute things, my snuff boxes, toys, etc.
- Favourite Movies: Many! Look here
- Favourite Authors: Don't really have any.
- Favourite Colours: Purple, pink, green, baby blue, black, red, white.
- Favourite Clothes: Jeans, pinstripe trousers, 3/4 sleeve black v-neck tops, my warm winter tops, betty boop t-shirts, cute t-shirts, skirts (not that I wear them often), scarves, black Chuck Taylors, boots, my dress.