
I'm a lacto-ovo vegetarian
What is that, you ask? Well, let me tell you ^_^

A lacto-ovo vegetarian is a person who eats some or all dairy products, eggs and zero meat. Nada. NONE. No moo-cows, no chickenies, no goatsies, no fishie-wishies. Basically nothing that was once alive. Except plants. If we didn't eat those then we'd die. Which would suck.      For more information about different types of vegetarians, please see this page.

F.A.Q About Me

How long have you been a vegetarian?
I became a vegetarian in June 2001. I was 13.

What made you decide to become vegetarian?
At the time (2001) I was a very big River Phoenix fan and my obsessive 13-year-old fan-girl mind was set on finding everything about him I could. I soon discovered that he'd been vegan since he was a child. That did it for me. I started to research vegetarianism and animal rights, then made the choice not long after that. I'd always, always adored animals and couldn't bare the thought of anyone hurting them, so it seemed quite fitting to graduate from feeling sad for them to actually doing something about it.

Is it hard?
At first, of course. It took me a few months to completely remove all meat from my diet. It's just as much a psychological thing as well as a physical. Not only is your body adjusting to this change, but your mind is too. It can be a battle as first, especially if you're anything like me and have poor willpower with such things. I remember thinking, "Hrmmm.....ohhh....Just one more burger...". I didn't find giving up eating meat at home much of an issue - steak and big hunks of meat didn't seem appealing. It was more of a struggle to pass up the junk food. Thankfully I got there in the end

But they're just animals? Why do it?
Why not? Why should I stand by and let something happen when I feel it is wrong? Would you let some kid pick on a smaller one when you could easily stop it? I'm not saying being vegetarian is the same as that, but you get the picture. Animals are just as important to the Earth and modern society as humans are. We should do something to prevent species extinction and make sure all animals are treated humanely while we're at it. Animals were here before humans - hey, humans ARE animals and we don't eat each other, so why should we eat non-human animals? Just because we are intelligent and have advanced brains does mean that we own the World and can do as we wish to all it's inhabitents and the habitats they live in. I'm not asking for everyone to go vege, that's unrealistic. All I want is for people to make an effort to understand my side and treat animals kindly and humanely.

If you don't eat meat, what DO you eat?
Most of the same things you do, without the meat. Though it isn't really that simple. I wont eat anything that's been cooked with meat/meat products or has touched meat/meat products. And of course I have to make sure I'm getting the nutrients my body needs.
Below I've compiled a list of some of the things I eat.

Soy products. i.e, tofu, soy rashes (a kind of fake "bacon"), soy fillets (a fake "chicken" breast), soy sausages, soy milk. Yogurt (dairy and dairy-free), cheese (made with vegetable rennet), free-range eggs.
Rices (i.e, white, brown, wild), lentils, chickpeas, pulses (i.e, peas and beans) other kinds of legumes, and other grains. Nuts and seeds.
Various kinds of vegetables and fruits. Bread, crackers, cereal.


If you're interested in learning more, I've compiled a list of helpful websites you can visit ^_^

Animal Rights & Welfare Vegetarianism
Ask Carla
Buck The Rodeo
Caring Consumer
Fur Is Dead
Helping Animals 101
No More Monkey Business
People For The Ethical Treatment of Animals
Save Wild Elephants
Stop Animal Tests
Go Veg
Lettuce Ladies
Meet Your Meat
Veg Cooking
Vegetarian Resource Group
Vegetarian Kitchen
Vegetarian Society
Vegetarian Starter Kit

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