This is a joke, so don't take it seriously.
How often do you shower? When I remember "Wha???!!" *scull* I don't like the water *rocks back a forth* Never After my night out
What kind of animal do you think you are? Road kill ajkshklrh! Feck off you!!! Animals are scary *sniff* *cough* Ohh, ummm.. bwhaha! I don't know! A pussy-cat ;) "Meeoow!"
What do your friends say about you? What friends? That I drink too much. Fuckers. *whispers* Are the aliens here yet? Weee! *bounce, bounce* They loooove me *wink*
Your favourite food? Raw fish Beer It might be poisonous! Don't eat that! Coke... *giggle* Wouldn't you like to know? ;)