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Here is where you can find information on things that might be confusing the hell out of you. It's a bit like a glossary.

Anton; he's my only nephew, born 1997. Adorable, bruiser, energetic, loud.

atheist; somebody who does not believe in God or deities.

Auckland; New Zealand's largest city. Located on the North Island. I was born there and lived there until I was 5, then moved to Christchurch for 18 months, back to Auckland in 1995, then to my current location, Gisborne, in late 2000.    
Big Dad; my mother's mother's father. Real name Alexander. Born in England in 1893. Married Goggie. Gentle, tall, craftsman.

Bunny; our oldest dog, at age 13. She's a Chihuahua. Very sweet, blind, going deaf, playful. No teeth.    
dragon; 1) mythecal monster-like reptile, usually with wings and able to breath fire. 2) fierce woman. 3) fourth in the Chinese zodiac.    
falafel; deep-fried ball of ground chickpeas seasoned with onions and spices, often eaten in pita bread with lettuce and yogurt or tahini sauce. It was originally a Middle Eastern dish.

fanlisting; a list of fans. If you like what or who the list is about, then you join and get listed with whatever information the list-owner wants from you. Visit the Fanlistings network for more information.    
Gisborne; small town on the East Coast of the North Island in New Zealand. I currently live there. Population: 45,000 with about 30,000 residing in the city. See.

GLBT; Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender. Goggie; my mother's mother's mother =D. So, one of my maternal great grandmothers. Her actual name was Vera, but for some reason my uncle called her Goggie and it stuck. She was born in England (either London or Worthing) in 1903. Eccentric, bold, honest, out-spoken. Some people hated her, called her vile. She was just artistic and they didn't get her. Married to Big Dad.    
hummus; kind of dip made with chick peas, garlic, lime juice, salt, oil and tahini. Middle Eastern.