11/06/06 @ 4:22pm - Yeah, I know.

MOOD: Good
MUSIC: Vanessa Paradis but Joaquin as Johnny Cash in my head

Hm, yes. I know I said I wasn't going to make a new layout. I know, I know. BUT. The other one was just bothering me alot and I wanted something less....cutesey and more sophisticated.

I'm actually REALLY happy with this one. Like genuinely pleased. I love how simple the Joaquin Phoenix header image is. I like the colours of the whole layout. I love the text on the header (my new favourite font) and the font on the pages. I just like it all.

I removed the guestbook. No one ever signed it and it had some errors I couldn't be bothered fixing. If anyone want to leave comments they can do so in the blog or tagboard.

I'm gonna make some buttons to link back with, and yeah. That's all for now.

Joaquin Phoenix is awesome. He shoulda won that damn Oscar. Either him or Heath Ledger. It still baffles me that neither of them won it. I just...gah. Whomever the hell that other guy was can just go shove his Oscar up his behind. Thank you very much. Joaq will get his Oscar one day. Hopefully soon, damnit. He'll get his, just like Johnny Depp'll get his. I'm still pissed Johnny missed out twice!
The Acadamy is obviously mentally retarded.
At least they gave Reese what she deserved

Toodles for now, lovlies!

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