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I hate writing these things, but people seem to like reading about the person behind a website.
So here is a list.

I am: creative, stubborn, kind to those I care about, quiet, an observer, pescetarian, a lover of all animal species - except humans piss me off, a daydreamer, interested in scientific things, lazy, always thinking of what I want to do but not doing it, a music-lover, annoyed with right-wing governments, imaginative, always right, completely incapable of controlling my emotions, quite lethal, a doll, a pirate, a Victorian Countess, trustworthy, not very trusting, as much of myself as I know how to be right now, a bit lost, a leader of things I believe in, for animal rights & welfare, a 1920's flapper, a drama queen, rational, irrational, someone who sees things in black and white, someone who sees things in colour, obsessed easily, hazel-green eyed, terrible at maths, always using a dictionary, a lover of military garb and paraphernalia, masked, an antiques freak, a hater of sterotypes, sick of being sterotyped,a fan of vodka, a lover and believer in fairies, my own worst nightmare, perfect, imperfect, the evil stepmother, going to marry a Care Bear, much more uber than anyone else, pierced, tattooed, interested in researching different religions to see why I don't like them, an artist, a hopeless romantic idiot, a complete nerd, an absolute bitch when I'm really angry, someone who pushes people away, not very forgiving, someone who holds grudges.

Yep, that's me.
.::The Mistress::.

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