02/05/2007 @ 2:55pm - Cutenews Sucks + Q*Bee Egg Hunt
Category: Website, OtherYes, Cutenews is complete shit. I had to disable all comments in order to stop the blimmin' spam I was getting. I know I'm not the only one experiencing this. It's sucks on a grand scale!
As a result, I am contemplating installing Wordpress. I used to have it installed but got frustrated with it because I couldn't intergrate it seemlessly with my layout, as I didn't want to convert all my pages to WP, only the blog part. I also strongly dislike having the blog in an iFrame, which is what one has to do in order to intergrate it (or that is what I had to do back then).
If anyone knows how I can seemlessly intergrate WP into my layout, without the use of an iFrame, I will love you for ever and ever and ever. Amen. F-O-R-E-V-E-R.
It's all so bloody complicated and I don't know if I can be bothered with it any time soon, but I desperately want to get it sorted.
In the time since I switched from manually adding updates to switching to a blogging programme, I have yet to find one that actually does what I want it to do. I've built my own using a tutorial, used WP and now Cutenews, but still have not found one that works great for me and my site.

In other news, the Quilting Bee Spring Egg Hunt is over (well, the part where we had to find eggs is over). I collected 164 out of 319.
Anyway, I was hiding four eggs on my site, but they've been taken down now.
I hope everyone that participated had alot of fun. I know I did

09/04/2007 @ 4:25pm - Comments Problems
Category: WebsiteI keep getting spam in my Cutenews comments, so I'm making it so you can't comment unless you're resistered. No one is registered and I'm keeping it that way because this is only a TEMPORARY solution until I get home and can do something about it properly.
If you have anything to say, leave a tag or email :)
06/04/2007 @ 8:12pm - Minor Updates, The Mars Volta and Stuff
Category: Website, Personal, OtherIt's been awhile, I guess. Haven't had much inclination to potter with this place as of late.
I updated a few minor things in the 'Me' section, including adding some pics to the Basics.
Mostly last month and this month I've been obsessing over The Mars Volta, a.k.a The Best Band In The World Ever And You Better Believe It Or I'll Cut You If You Don't.

Ahem. Yes, so, between obsessing over them (and perving at the singer/lyricist Cedric Bixler-Zavala) I haven't been doing much. I've become unmotivated, which is because of said obsessing. It happens, you see.
Going away on Sunday until the 22nd. Lucky me

Oh and by the way, the concert I went to last month was good. Not mind-blowingly awesome, but definitely worth it.
So, that's it for now

P.S, updated my Radio Blog!

27/02/2007 @ 5:31pm - Oscars, Juicy Star, Images, Moi
Category: Website, Personal, OtherMood: hungy!
Music: St Germain - Vanessa Paradis
Meep, I'm so sleepy right now!

I stayed up until almost 2am to watch the Academy Awards. It was quite good this year, I thought, because often I find it boring, unfunny and it feels like it goes on and on and on. I'm really pleased they stepped it up and made it feel fresh and contemporary instead of this old, boring, blah, crap thing.
I'm happy with who won, though I would have liked to see Leonardo DiCaprio take home best actor. (Wasn't he just so bloody gorgeous, too??

I didn't see Dreamgirls and don't plan to, so I can't comment on Jennifer Husdon. What an amazing story she has though, coming out of no-where to win Best Supporting Actress!
Anyway, in other news, haven't finished moving images over to Photobucket yet, but got all the icons done. I just have Walk Of Fame and Ziegfeld ones to go.
Added some new pixels to Juicy Star.
Have been doing maths all day. It's not that bad but it's tiring!

I'm so hungry right now, seriously,

Ugly Betty is on tonight. I love that show, it's friggin awesome!
I was gonna say something else, but I forgot. Typical

I have alot of reading to do. Went to library yesterday and got a tone of books out. Good luck to me...

23/02/2007 @ 11:38am - Home, Disk Space
Category: Website, PersonalHihi, I'm back from my holiday. Had a great time and miss all my family like crazy already.
I'm running out of disk space for my site, so at the moment I'm weeding out everything I don't need, so basically anything uploaded that I'm not using but nothing will change about the site and it's contents. What you see if what it will remain!
I'm also going to host all the graphics elsewhere as this will free up space considerably. Hopefully it'll be enough to last until I renew my hosting in June and can upgrade to a larger plan. Fortuntely my host is awesome and wont cost me my arm and possibly a leg

That's all for now

29/01/2007 @ 10:23am - Ciao & New Pixel Site
Category: Website, PersonalLast week I got an itch to make a cute site to house my adoptable pixels, scribbles and CGs.
So I know bring you Juicy Star!

Apart from that, tomorrow I am going away and I wont be back until around February 21st or something.

25/01/2007 @ 11:45pm - Updates and Other Suff
Category: Website, PersonalI've finally got round to updating the layout page, so if you're wanting more info on the current layout as well as past ones, go here.
You'll also notice that I've added a bunch of banners to my splash (index) page. These are things I support and I hope that people might take a look at those sites and such. I don't know if it ever works, but at least I'm broadcasting what I support and that's all I really care about.
I don't talk much about veganism or animal rights here. I should, really. It's so important to me it's a shame I don't write about it more, especially since this is public.
I'm getting more interested in environmental issues as well, especially now that a meat-based diet and agriculture is found to heavily contribute to greenhouse gas emissions and deforestation.
If you'd be interested in learning more about this then I suggest the following two articles as a starting point:
I'm also going to post an article here, about studies that have shown Global Warming will happen faster and be far more devastating that we thought, which you can read if you go to "Read More" at the bottom of this post.
I think that's all for now.

22/01/2007 @ 2:21pm - Cutenews
Category: Website, PersonalI decided to switch the blog over to Cutenews. It'll be more efficient for archives and such.
All the old blog entries can be located by going to 'Old Blog Archives' under the Archived menu on the sidebar. I was originally going to enter them into the Cutenews database but decided against it as it'd take too long, plus Cutenews seems to dislike backdating posts. As you can see below, the entry says it was posted on 3/01/2007 at 6:35am. I actually posted it on the 2nd at 11:35am...
Anyway, I've also added a Current thing to the sidebar. Feeling, reading, eating, etc. I think they're fun :)
Umm, I think that's it in terms of big things. I've updated some pages, taken some away, etc.
I want to make more things for people to download. I'm in the mood to scribble, so maybe I'll start some of those.
I'm going away on the 30th of this month and wont be back until February 21st or something. My Dad is turning 50 and he's having a big party up in Auckland. Mum and I spending more time there also because my eldest sister is taking my nephew (who'll be 1 on Feb 2nd) to Iran to meet his other grandparents and the rest of his Dad's family. I'm glad they're going to see everyone, but at the same time I'm half terrified my sister will prefer Iran to here (I know she loves it so much already) and wont come home. It makes me tear up just thinking about being so far away from them, even if it turns out be only a couple of months or something. I get along really well with her and of course I adore Romeo more than I can express, soooo, having them not around will be tough, especially if they do decide to stay there for alot longer.

At least my other sister and nephew and my brother aren't going overseas. I'm so possessive of my family - I want them to always be here or wherever it is I am!

03/01/2007 @ 6:35am - Happy New Year
Category: Website, PersonalMOOD: Happy
MUSIC: Plush - Stone Temple Pilots
Yes indeedy, it's 2007. So first of all, Happy New Year to anyone reading this. I hope you had a very enjoyable and safe time. Mine was uneventful and actually rather quiet, which was fine with me for the most part.
I would like to take the time to thank everyone who's visited PrettyBloomers over the last two and half years. I can't believe it's been that long!
2007 is going to be a busy one for me. I will be studying towards my NCEA levels, which, because I missed out on alot of high school when I was supposed to be in school, is going take a few years to complete. I will get it done, even if it takes that long. After that I plan on studying veterinary science to become a clinical vet, probably specialising in mixed practice and wild animals. Anyway, all these ambitions and plans mean that I wont have a whole of time to spend on PrettyBloomers during 2007 and beyond. I do plan on keeping it open and renewing my domain name and hosting for this year, but as for many updates, don't count on it!
I have not deicided if I will change anything around here. Make it small or something. That will come later, perhaps.
I am a bit saddned to know that this site will be practically dead, but I'd rather it still be around anyway, because I've worked so hard and had so much fun with it that I can't bring myself to close it completely.
This year I am also planning on spending less time on the Internet in genral. It can be so addictive that I often find it difficult to get things done when the temptation to be online is so strong. It wont be easy at first, but I'll wean myself off it slowly.
Apart from studying, I have some other goals I'll be working towards this year.
- Get my learners drivers licence before birthday in April
- Read more books
- Socialise more
- Part time job
- Become active in animal rights issues
- Paint and draw more
Those are a few

So, dear reader, I hope your 2007 brings everything you hope it does and more, and that you have the strength and courage to overcome any obstacles thrown your way.
Take care, be happy, be safe, have fun!
I'll be around, but I wont be so much. If you need to get hold of me for some reason, don't hesitate to drop me an email: purple3ivy[AT]gmail[DOT]com

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