If you find any material on this site that offends you, I'm not apologising. This is my site and therefore I can put whatever I like on it. Don't complain to me about it because I don't care. If you don't like something, stop reading or viewing it.
I've tried to create a place that appeals to various age groups, but please be aware that some content may be deemed inappropriate for younger viewers as it may contain course language and mature content of various forms.
Third party links are included in this site. I am not responsible for the content on these third party sites. Please use your common sense to decide if something is inappropriate for you or a minor in your care to view.
I've tried to use only resources that are linkware or free for use on non-commercial websites. As far as I know I have not stolen anything or copied anyone elses work and I try to get permission to use things if it's required or I am not sure I can use it.
If you believe that I have used something without permission or have stolen or copied anything, please contact me so I know your concerns and can take measures to fix the problem.