About Sam

I really honestly do not know what to write here. I don't feel like I have a lot to say about myself that's very exciting or interesting, right now. I'm not sure if it's because I feel like I want to keep anything too personal private, or if it's some other psychological reason. Oh well, maybe I'll come up with something good eventually.

In the mean time, you can take a look at the sidebar and links it contains—all to other things about me, like musical taste (which everybody always wants to know about) and other trivial crap that doesn't actually matter, but you'll read it anyway, to be nosy.

A note about the blog: It's not very personal, because as you might've noticed, I don't like strangers being able to know so much about my life. But, I'm going to try and actually make an effort to write in it, even if it's about nothing-much-in-particular.

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