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Puppy The Chihuahua

We're looking after him for awhile for my sister and her husband. He's 10 and very, very cheeky. Likes to chew plushie bones and run away with my fluffy blue slippers.

Awww! Tooo cute! Woof! He sooo scawy! He reminds me of a seal in that one.. Possum + Buch Baby + Furby = Chihuahua Oooh, what iiis iit??

Bunny The Chihuahua

She's 13. Bunny has no teeth so her tounge hangs out, and has cataracts in both eyes. She's adorable and such a sweetie, although very fragile. She belonged to my excentrick, flapper of a great grandma, Goggie. My Mum inherited her :) Love her muchly ♥

Just out of the bath Aww, tee! Sweetie poppet She often snuffles like a piggy Huggles! and again

Kumho (koo-moe) the Staffy x Greyhound x other things

My brother rescued Kumho when he was a tiny wee puppy one New Years about 8 years ago. His mother and siblings were kept in appalling conditions, so my brother and a couple of his friends just walked past this property and picked up as many pups as they could. Kumho is pretty much human - with a bad anxiety problem. He hates being left alone and doesn't like loud noises, either. We nicknamed him Eeyore, because he's so like the Whinnie The Pooh character.

Cutey Tee hee So, so cute pulling at a sock

Abby the bunny wabbit

We got given Abby in 2000 by my grandma, Nanny, after the death (due to cancer) of our former white rabbit. Abby was aprox. 4 months old when we got her. She's so cute and is starting to be a lot more friendly towards people. Her colouring looks more like a wild rabbits, so I'm thinking perhaps she is more wild than domesticated rabbit.

Booful! She likes chewing her food bowl Muah!
.::The Mistress::.

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