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Opened on 20th June 2025
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me » zeigfeld girls

Zeigfeld Girls are the girls that performed in the legendary Florenz Ziegfeld productions on Broadway. Not only were these women beautiful, but also talented singers and dancers.
The following twenty photos are just some of my favourites, out of the many I have collected over the last year. Though my knowledge on Ziegfeld himself and the productions is sketchy, I can appreciate the beauty and grace of the women who made them come alive.
These photos are artistic and beautiful.

{NOTE:} Please be warned that all photos contain partial or total nudity, and so it is advised you are a mature person, NOT a giggling 13-year-old idiot who's parents will send me stupid emails complaining I've got porn on my website.
This is not porn. This is tasteful nudity at it's best.

That being said and out of the way, I hope you enjoy! And feel free to save any of these images. I got them all off LiveJournal communities.

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