Everyone I've affiliated with is listed below. If you want to become an affiliate, click here.
If you have a site and would like to affiliate with me, please send me an email to with the following included:
Your name
Email address
Website URL
URL to where I can find my link on your site (your affiliates page)
A 100x35 pixel image* for me to link back to your site with. Or let me know if you'd rather I link back using text.
Before or right after you email me this information, please go here and choose an image to link to my site with. If I can't find my link on your site, I'll email you and tell you, so you have time to fix it.
*I will not link to your site if the image you attach to the email is smaller or larger than 100x35 pixels. It keeps this page tidy if all images are the same size :)