- Flowers; especially jasmine, foxglove, roses, lavendar and lillies.
- Walking in the rain.
- Reading in bed, late at night.
- Kisses.
- Snuggles.
- Non-human animals.
- Human animals, when they're not annoying me.
- Decorating cupcakes.
- Chocolate.
- Listening to music under the headphones when I'm in bed at night.
- Smiles from strangers.
- My nephews' laughter.
- When my cat "purrps" at me when I come in the room.
- Good conversations with friends.
- Butterflies and moths in my tummy.
- Listening to an album for the first time in awhile.
- Discovering a new great album or musical artist.
- Salvador Dali, Leonardo da Vinci and Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec.
- Live music.
- Going to the cinema.
- Watching obscure films by myself.
- Watching films I love but haven't seen in a long time.
- Bubble baths when I'm tired.
- Caring words said by the right person.
- Very cold weather.
- When people don't ask how you are when you've asked them.
- Capers.
- Listening to an album you haven't listened to in awhile and finding no magic in it.
- Rude people; I'm incresingly finding people my own age (and often people of older generations as well) have no manners or idea about polite social conduct. It's disheartening.
- Tactless individuals; while I understand that we all have our moments, people who continually disregard the effects their words and actions have on others are not ones I wish to be around.
- Drugs. While I can say I've had my fair share of curiosity, I don't like drugs and I especially don't like the effect they have on people and how many of them ruin the lives of otherwise intelligent and wonderful individuals.
- Having a bath in order to get clean. You don't get clean, you wallow in your own grub.
- Menstrual cramps. They're evil!