Cool Links

Here I've compiled a list of links to some cool websites. Great for when you're bored!
  • Elouai
    This site has really cool things like dollmakers, smilie makers and my personal favourites, Build A Home and One Click Room Maker. So much fun! You can save your creations as well ^_^
  • Sugar Melody
    This site is adorable. There are loads of things for visitors, including pixels and amusing reads.
  • Bzoink!
    A site dedicated to blog surveys. Thousands of things to fill out and put in your blog.
  • IllWillPress
    Follow the animated adventures of Germaine and her pet squirrel Foamy. Seriously hilarious. Parental advisory, though.
    Find out all about your favourite Sanrio characters, play games, print out colouring pages, shop online. Teh cute ^_^
  • My Cat Hates You
    Look at the "largest collection of sour-faced, indignant felines on the Internet". If you like cats, especially when they're being comical and grumpy, this is the place for you.
  • Kitten War
    Vote for the kitten you like best. It's so hard to decide, though! Lots of cuties to squee over. (My Molly is viewable here).
  • Puppy War
    Same thing as above, except it's puppies!
  • Shanghai Dynasty
    This game is the same as Mah Jong.
