Tiny Graphics Rules

  • Don't steal the images! It's a really horrible thing to do.
  • The tiny graphics can be used on your personal website for blogs, guestbooks, tagboards, commenting systems and around your site.
  • You may also use them as part of your sites navigation. E.G, drop-down menus.
  • Don't copy, edit or say you made them.
  • Don't give them away to other people or offer them on your site! (This is known as 'redistributing').
  • Don't use them on commercial sites, your layout or bulletin/message boards/forums.
  • You must put up a link to credit me. Refer all links back to http://prettybloomers.com
  • If you have any questions, don't hesitate to email me at any time :)
  • Click the period at the end of this sentence to enter.

I Accept | Decline
