Our Connection

Soul Mates: Our Connection


Have you ever met someone and felt a certain connection with them? After only meeting them for just 10 minutes you seem like you have known them for years? This is not highly uncommon; many people can sit back and think that they have meet someone that they found so fascinating. What people do not realize is that with every lifetime we acquire certain knowledge for our souls to become more positive through every lifetime taking out the negative. Our subconscious unleashes what we need where our soul mates come in.

When your hear the word soul mate you think automatically "The one person for you." You are about to find out what soul mates really do, and what types of soul mates exist.

There are three types of soul mate that we are connected with.

The Companion Soul Mate

Can offer advice to direct you in a positive path, or they may physically help you to achieve a goal. You have the mutual gift of learning, sharing and helping. In a pervious life, you helped them and they are returning the favour. You meet them in your everyday life, the teacher that inspired you to learn, and the stranger that helped you out in the rain when your car broke down. These are all examples of a Companion Soul Mate.

Companion Soul Mates are people to feel good about. There is usually no serious bond between you and your connection tends to be brief. If the bond does develop in the next lifetime you would become Twin Soul mates.
(Sounds a lot like guardian angels or something here.)

Twin Soul Mates

Are people that you have bonded with in the past. You feel like you have known them for years. When you are reunited with them in this lifetime, you pickup where you left off in the past lifetime. Your friendship just continues as though you were never separated. You often think alike, and know what their thoughts, your karma is in sink, and you are very much alike.

Take a look at your closest friends right now. Do you see how you are so close? You know when the other is hurting inside. You know when they are hiding some emotions, and you help bring them out. This is your Twin Soul Mate.

Twin Flame Soul Mate

The last of the soul mates is the one everybody is familiar with. The Twin Flame Soul Mate is your one and only soul mate. You have spent many lifetimes together sharing and caring. You share a deep bond and attraction to one another. It feels like electrical current between you. Your soul automatically recognizes that Twin Flame Soul Mate, and gives you a deep feeling inside. A Twin Flame Soul Mate is often said to be the other half of your soul. (Ever wonder why they say opposites attract?)

The Twin Flame Soul Mate has all the characteristics as the Twin Soul Mate. Your Twin Flame Soul Mate and you might not be together every lifetime but you're still working on being together by evolving your soul in a similar and spiritual way.
