Your Music » What You Said

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Sam, New Zealand
Jenee, USA
Bailey, USA
Jessica, Canada
Caitlyn Keller, USA
Candice, USA

Sam, New Zealand

1) 5 bands/groups/artists you love:
  • A Perfect Circle. I jus' love 'em. Especially when they use strings. Bring back Paz, I say!
  • The Mars Volta. No explantion needed!
  • Red Hot Chili Peppers. I used to be utterly obsessed, but I've tones it down now. I love those guys as if they're like family or something. They just fucking kick arse. After nearly 21 years they still rock.
  • Tool. No reason in particular, other than the fact I love their music.
  • Jeff Buckley. Perfect music.
2) 5 bands/gruops/artists you dislike:
  • Limp Bizkit. The name, the guys, the music. SUCK!
  • Britney Spears. She's trying way too hard these days.
  • Those sad excuses for modern day punk bands. They all suck. Especually Sum 41 and Simple Plan etc.
  • Hinder. Please shut up now!
  • Eminem. When will he stop singing about farts and other more childish things? His talent is being a prize idiot.
3) Name one band you love that I probably have never heard of (i.e local):
  • Shapeshifter.
4) How important is music to you?
  • Quite. It used to be my life, but I've gotten over that stage now. Without music the world would be an empy rhythemless bore. It brings peace to people, understanding and so on. It can cheer you up when you're sad, make you melt when it reminds you of someone you love, turn you on, turn you off.
5) Genres you like/relate to best:
  • Rock and the sub-genres in it. Classic rock I adore, hard rock, certain metal, industrial etc. New wave, jazz. Nearly everything really.
6) Do you play any musical instruments:
  • No

Jenee, USA

1) 5 bands/groups/artists you love (explain why, if you want):
  • The Beatles (They kick total ass)
  • Barenaked Ladies (They're goofy and yet they have great music at the same time)
  • Maroon 5 (They have a very groove-oriented sound and I love it)
  • Le Tigre (They're gay, they have good music, and they speak their minds. What's not to love?)
  • Terrence Mann (I love this man with all of my being. He's the greatest Broadway performer that ever lived).
2) 5 bands/groups/artists you dislike (explain why, if you want):
  • Christina Aguilera (Slut, whore, bitch...shall I continue? No talent whatsoever.)
  • Eminem (He's an asshole, a bigot, and he seems to hate women! BOO!)
  • Anything rap (I just can't stand rap.)
  • Toby Keith (One word: Asshole.)
  • Dave Mustaine (He hates homosexuals, he voted for Bush, he trashes Metallica. The man is evil.)
3) Name one band you love that I probably have never heard of (i.e local):
  • The Angergets
4) How important is music to you?
  • Music is my life. I live and breathe music.
5) Genres you like/relate to best:
  • Techno, Rock, Classical, Oldies, Middle Eastern, Showtunes, and Celtic.
6) Do you play any musical instruments:
  • yes
6a) If yes, what?
  • Viola
7) Anything else?
  • Music rocks my socks.

Bailey, USA

1) 5 bands/groups/artists you love:
  • Green Day- i dont know i just do ^-^
  • Blink 182- uh, they rock.
  • Gwen Stafani/No Doubt- they also rock.
  • The Killers- they rock.
  • ...
2) 5 bands/gruops/artists you dislike:
  • Eminem- He is lame. He needs to grow up and relize .. that he is white and not really that funny. (NOT in a raciest way)
  • Anything rap- because it p1sses me off. Rap "singers" dont even know what the heck they are saying. mostly all they talk about is BOOTY... and mainly the poeple who listen to it are like 5th graders and they're all like "imma pimp slap u shut up" and they dont even know wtf a pimp is, they just hear it from rap songs. its just stupid period point blank.
  • good charolette- they just seem, unusual. i know when im like, 22 i wont be singin pop.
  • ...
  • ...
3) Name one band you love that I probably have never heard of (i.e local):
  • umm, My Chemical Romance i guess. (not local of course)
4) How important is music to you?
  • Not very.
5) Genres you like/relate to best:
  • Rock, classical, ...mainly rock like the 80's and... new rock like today. 0.o
6) Do you play any musical instruments:
  • no

Jessica, Canada

1) 5 bands/groups/artists you love:
  • Sarah Brightman
  • Josh Groban
  • Finger Eleven
  • Enya
  • Lara Fabian
2) 5 bands/gruops/artists you dislike:
  • Jennifer Lopez
  • Ciara
  • JayZ
  • Beyonce
  • 50 Cent
3) Name one band you love that I probably have never heard of (i.e local):
  • Shakespeares Sisters
4) How important is music to you?
  • It is probably the most important unhuman thing to me. I feel like I need it all the time playing in my head. Even simple, quiet Celtic sounds or waves, I just love it!
5) Genres you like/relate to best:
  • New Age, Celtic, Rock Alternative, Pop
6) Do you play any musical instruments:
  • yes
6a) If yes, what?
  • I play the piano and the acoustic guitar. I haven't taken lessons for them but I slowly learn at home. It's not going to be a main path in my life though.
6a) Anything else?
  • Um, nope, nothing I can think of.

Caitlyn Keller, USA

1) 5 bands/groups/artists you love:
  • David Bowie
  • Beck
  • Doobie Brothers
  • Shakira
  • Sublime
2) 5 bands/gruops/artists you dislike:
  • Avirl Lavigne
  • JoJo
  • Kelly Clarkson
  • Hillery Duff
  • Big N Rich
3) Name one band you love that I probably have never heard of (i.e local):
  • My Monkey
4) How important is music to you?
  • Very important, it's my life.
5) Genres you like/relate to best:
  • Alternative, Jazz, Southern Fried Rock
6) Do you play any musical instruments:
  • yes
6a) If yes, what?
  • Piano, Bass Guitar, Flute
6a) Anything else?
  • nope.

Candice, USA

1) 5 bands/groups/artists you love:
  • Tears For Fears - i dunno, i just fell in love with them the firs time i heard the song 'Everybody Wants to Rule the World'
  • The Beach Boys - c'mon, who doesn't love the beach boys?
  • Elvis - the king!
  • Thompson Twins - same thing as for TFF, i just fell in love with them the firs time i heard 'Hold Me Now'
  • Fleetwood Mac - all of their songs are so awesome...
2) 5 bands/gruops/artists you dislike:
  • Good Charlotte - to much makeup...geez, what, are they trying to look pretty?
  • Kelly Clarkson - her voice sounds like every other singer wannabe, and she's just plain annoying!
  • clay aiken - same as above
  • Lindsay Lohan - which are you, a singer or and actress? make up your mind! it doesn't matter anyway, she's bad at both
  • Christian Aguliera - just...ugh
3) Name one band you love that I probably have never heard of (i.e local):
  • I don't know any local bands
4) How important is music to you?
  • Music is important to me because if I'm feeling sad or angry, I can listen to one of my favourite bands/singers, and that usually makes me feel better.
5) Genres you like/relate to best:
  • Rock and Roll, baby! And that includes 'Classic' Rock (why do they call it that? it's not that old!)
6) Do you play any musical instruments:
  • no
6a) If yes, what?
  • if i did ever learn to play an instrument, i would love to play the guitar
6a) Anything else?
  • excellent site ;)
