5 Things - What You Said
Page: 1, 2, 3, 4
Jenee, USA
Mavy, USA
Angela, USA
Jessica, Canada
Caitlyn, USA
Cassandra, USA
Jenee, USA
5 Most Precious Possesions:
- My viola
- My memory book
- My memory boxes
- My family
- My friends
5 Things I Don't Understand:
- Homophobia
- Bigotry
- Republicans
- Novels by Thomas Hardy
- People who want to become mechanics
5 Things On My Desk:
- Computer
- Lamp
- CDs
- Peanut M&Ms
- My Tamagotchi
5 Negative Things About Me:
- I'm too proud
- I'm stubborn
- I'm lazy
- I'm indecisive
- I can be a push-over
5 Possitive Things About Me:
- I'm a dyke
- I'm funny
- I'm really smart
- I'm good at giving advice
- I have great friends
5 Things I Can't Do:
- Speak Russian (yet)
- Make up my mind
- Lie with a straight face
- Listen to President Bush without getting pissed
- Play golf (I'm really bad)
Mavy, USA
5 Most Precious Possesions:
- James
- dogs
- Car
- my Mattress
- my make-up
5 Things I Don't Understand:
- boys
- Korean
- cars
- my sister
- myself half the time
5 Things On My Desk:
- glass of water
- lighter
- candle
- silly string
- cd's
5 Negative Things About Me:
- i chew my nails
- i cant tell the whole truth
- my weight
- im messy
- mood-swings
5 Possitive Things About Me:
- so so pretty
- my intelligence
- generous
- fun
- open-minded
5 Things I Can't Do:
- win games of any sort
- cook
- clean thouroughly enough
- figure skate
- be good
Angela, USA
5 Most Precious Possesions:
- pictures
- computer
- camera
- my puppy :)
- my friends :D
5 Things I Don't Understand:
- life in general
- guys
- texas weather .. lol :P
- why we hafta go to school :/
- my dogs
5 Things On My Desk:
- computer
- cd's
- radio
- my school stuff
- notes
5 Negative Things About Me:
- i put myself down
- i think i`m ugly
- i procrastinate alot
- i'm lazy
- my weight
5 Possitive Things About Me:
- i have great friends
- i'm nice .. most of the time
- i'm fun to be with
- i'm funny
- i'm good at giving advice to people
5 Things I Can't Do:
- get a boyfriend
- live w/o my friends
- keep up an exercise plan thingy ..
- live w/o swim team
- i can't not take pictures
Jessica, Canada
5 Most Precious Possesions:
- My grandmas jewelery that got passed down to me when she passed away.
- All of my books.
- My computer.
- My HUGE Great White Shark portrait.
- My CD's.
5 Things I Don't Understand:
- How arrogant people are these days.
- Why everything has to be analyzed without seeing the large picture.
- Why people design viruses, trogans, etc.
- Why nobody can think up an original movie but instead have to remake old ones.
- Why this generation is becoming OVERALLY politically correct.
5 Things On My Desk:
- Water bottle.
- Funky clear blue lamp.
- Digital Camera
- Palm Pilot charger
- Silver and white pyramid clock
5 Negative Things About Me:
- Quick to anger
- Sometimes avoid situations because I only picture the negative outcome.
- Selfish at times
- Quick to judge
- Distracted easily
5 Possitive Things About Me:
- Take into consideration of other peoples views.
- Very funny with my sarcasm.
- Confident
- Friendly
- Always enjoy volunteering for anything.
5 Things I Can't Do:
- Walk up to I guy I like and tell him that.
- Hold my opinions to myself.
- Let someone get verbally abused because of what they think.
- Go through a day without eating. Lol, I can't!
- Avoid animals, I love them too much :)
Caitlyn, USA
5 Most Precious Possesions:
- Does my dog count?
- My Flute
- My sketchbook
- My roses
- My labtop.
5 Things I Don't Understand:
- Politics
- Pop culture
- My ex
- My parents
- Highschool
5 Things On My Desk:
Caitlyn missed everything else out. Whether that's an email form fault or she couldn't be bothered filling it out, I dunno.
Cassandra, USA
5 Most Precious Possesions:
- Bible
- My writing
- My art
- My bracelet
- Bella (my dog)
5 Things I Don't Understand:
- Boys
- Popularity
- Clinton
- emo fetish
- Heartlessness
5 Things On My Desk:
- Nail filer
- Maidens III CD
- MP3 player
- calculator
- pen
5 Negative Things About Me:
- my depression
- my school work
- suspiciousness
- pesimism
- my tummy
5 Possitive Things About Me:
- patience
- cheerfulness
- creativity
- my mind
- my Savior
5 Things I Can Do:
- flip on trampolines
- rollerskate
- pitch a tent
- play piano
- drive ATVs
5 Things I Can't Do:
- swim well
- ski/snowboard
- golf
- play piano well
- splits