Yummy People » What You Said

Sam, New Zealand
Angela, USA
Jessica, Canada
Sarah, New Zealand
Tia, Canada
Druihd-San, Japan
Rach, England
Zara, England
Hannah, New Zealand
Sherry, USA
Nellie, New Zealand
Roach, USA
Emii, USA
Mari, USA
Victoria, New Zealand

Sam, New Zealand.

I fancy...
Angelina Jolie, Tallulah Bankhead, Marlene Dietrich, Johnny Depp, Clive Owen, Bob Geldoff, David Gilmour, Audrey Tautou, Vanessa Paradie, Kate Moss, Cedric Bixler-Zavala, John Frusciante, Omar Rodriguez-Lopez, Jeff Buckley, Keiren Webster.

Angela, USA.

I fancy...
Chad Michael Murray, Michael Copon, James Lafferty, Jesse McCartney, Adam Brody, Sam Page, umm .. that`s all i can think of .. :D

Jessica, Canada.

I fancy...
Oh, I needed one of these. I spit out some on my own blog, so why not here as well. :) I completely fancy 1 man in particular who happens to go to the same church as me. I've liked him for several years, but sadly, the shy person that I am around guys, I have not yet talked with him.

When I picture my dream guy in my head, he appears. He is tall, not muscular but fit, dark brown hair, dark brown eyes and a really good dresser! It's funny because we do glance at eachother in church sometimes. I know my reason for it, but he may like me as well, or just be annoyed that I keep looking at him. I really don't care, I still like him, and maybe one day, I'll tell him that.

Sarah, New Zealand.

I fancy...
Brad Pitt, Johnny Depp, oohh humm and Heath Ledger. Heh ^_^ but mostly importantly my boyfriend Steffan. :-) I need one of these on my site. So cute.

Tia, Canada.

I fancy...
Adam Brody <3

Druihd-San, Japan.

I fancy...

Rach, England.

I fancy...
Ee! Billy Martin, Frank Iero and Gerard Way. <33

Zara, England.

I fancy...
Ok a boy at my school called Bradly.

Hannah, New Zealand.

I fancy...
David. My sexy boyfriend.

Sherry, USA.

I fancy...
Harry Potter, Spelling, Chris and Phill, icing, birthdays, cameras and mics for my computer, and much, much, more...

Nellie, New Zealand.

I fancy...
Ville Valo, lead singer of HIM... and a boy in Auckland who I have never met or spoken too. Lol.

Roach, USA.

I fancy...
That kid in my class, that other kid in my class, and that kid in my science class.

Emii, USA.

I fancy...
Robert Smith of the Cure.!
[Note By Webmiss: Such a good choice!!]

Mari, USA.

I fancy...

Victoria, New Zealand.

I fancy...
I happen to have a thing for Bert Newton off berts family feud.. even though u already know that :D
