5 Things
Last updated on October 23 2005.5 Most Precious Possesions:
- All of my books, especially the ones from my childhood.
- My music collection.
- My small DVD collection.
- Inherited things/gifts from people.
- My antiques. I'm an old girl at heart...
5 Things I Don't Understand:
- Homophobia.
- Animal cruelty.
- People who complain all the time. So, we all do it, but there are those who make it a main focuss to complain about things. No one really cares that you are dateless, so please shut up. Kinda thing.
- People who are obsessed with material things, like how they look and keeping up with the Jones's. I don't see the point as no one is better then anyone else. Well, I actually think people who try to be better than everyone else end up being really low. So competitive over the smallest things. What a waste of life!
- Prejudices, racism, etc.
5 Things On My Desk:
- Pen.
- Speakers.
- Screen.
- Notes.
- Digital camera.
5 Negative Things About Me:
- I'm a perfectionist.
- I worry about trivial things too much.
- I don't give myself enough credit and praise, nor do I love myself enough.
- I can be overly sarcastic when I'm pissed off with someone.
- I'm sensitive about certain things. Just don't go there.
5 Positive Things About Me:
- I'm genrally a kind and considerate person.
- I have good manners and try to be nice to people even when I hate them beyond normal human understanding (Not that it works very often...)
- I'm a mature, sophisticated human being. Most of the time...
- I love how artistic and creative I am. Thinking inside the box is awfully boring!
- I'm a very good listener and therefore a great friend (provided you don't do something to fuck me off beyond return).
5 Things I Can Do:
- Design and finish an entire website (not that a website is ever truly finished...).
- Draw very well.
- Make a mean cheese sauce.
- Um, I can shop really well. if that counts... I certainly enjoy doing it!
- Entertain.
5 Things I Can't Do:
- Play a musical intsrument.
- I can cook, but I don't know anything off by heart and I find it oh-so-boring.
- Stand hypocritical, lying, betraying fucked up people.
- Code PHP off the top of my head.
- Make my own clothes pattern (well, I haven't tried yet..).