Fucking Annoying Questions

Last updated on December 11 2005.

What's your name? Samantha.

Alias'?: Sam, Sammy, Sammy-Jade. Online: Countess of Cocaine, purple_ivy (or derivatives of it) and absinthe-vodkr (or derivatives of it).

How old are you? 17.

What's your birthdate? April 30, 1988.

What astrology sign are you? Taurus.

Do you believe in astrology? Somewhat. The personality traits associated with each sign are usually pretty accurate.

Whats your worst fear? The unknown. I can get very anxious about things, but I'm working on that.

Whats your favorite song? Jesus Built My Rod by Ministry; 3 Libras, Weak & Powerless, Judith and The Outsider all by A Perfect Circle; H, Sober, Stinkfist, Schism, and Ænema all by Tool; Lovecats by The Cure; The Warmth, Stellar, Drive, all by Incubus; Blood Sugar Sex Magik by Red Hot Chili Peppers; Slither by Velver Revolver; Plush, Interstate Love Song & Sex Type Thing by Stone Temple Pilots; Pretty Piece of Flesh by One Inch Punch. Never Gonna Stop by Rob Zombie; Marilyn et John, Ma Petroleuse, La La La Song, Concia Cha Cha Cha by Vanessa Paradis; Dock of The Bay by Ottis Redding; Stand By Me by Ben E. King; My Humps by Black Eyed Peas; Arms of A Woman by Amos Lee; Volcano, Cannonball by Damien Rice.

Who is your favorite singer? VANESSA PARADIS!!! Bjork, Madonna, Al Jourgensen, Robert Smith, Criss Angel, Scott Weiland, Billie Holiday, Maynard James Keenan, Ana Matronic, John Frusciante, Amos Lee, Damien Rice.

Favorite band?Tool, A Perfect Circle, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Velvet Revolver, Stone Temple Pilots, Rob Zombie, White Zombie, Depeche Mode, The Prodigy, Black Eyed Peas, etc.

Whats your favorite flower? Honeysuckles, daisies, poppies, violets, dark red roses, and some I don't know the names of.

How many siblings do you have? 3, not counting my brother in-law. Which makes that four.

How many are brothers and sisters? 1 brother, 1 brother in-law, 2 sisters. All older.

Color of eyes? Hazel-green.

Color of hair? Natural: Dark brown with natural gold and copper streaks.

Favorite actor(s)? Johnny Depp, Christopher Walken, Harvey Keitel, Robin Williams, Geoffrey Rush, Matthieu Kassovitz, Billy Crudup, Joel Edgerton, Ioan Gruffud.

Favorite actress(s)? Angelina Jolie, Audrey Tautou, Susan Sarandon, Anjelica Huston, Glen Close, Christina Ricci, Scarlett Johansson, Charlize Theron, Marilyn Monroe, Marlene Dietrich, Talullah Bankhead, Claire Danes, Julianne Moore, Keira Knightely.

Where were you born? Auckland, New Zealand.

Have a best friend? Not really.

What's your favorite type of music? Industrial, noise, Techno, Synth-pop, 80's pop, Jazz, old-school punk, rock, some metal. To be honest, I appreciate all kinds of music and will probably find a song in every genre that I'd like.

What other towns/cities have you lived in? Christchurch and the current Gisborne (barf to both. One is cold and the other is shit boring).

Do you write poetry? No. I don't often enjoy reading it, either.

What do you do for a living? Nothing.

Favorite kind of food? Middle Eastern, Indian, Japanese, French.

Favorite food? Chips/crisps. Most fruits. Hummus with natural unsweetened yogurt and homemade pita bread. Falafel kebabs. Chocolate. I love rice, too.

Do you have any nieces and/or nephews? I 8-year-old nephew and a nephew on the way.

Favorite soda? Ginger Ale.

Favorite beverage? Freshly squeezed orange juice, water, tea, coffee, chai latte with soy milk, mocha frap from Starbucks.

Favorite beer? Oh god I hate beer. Leaves an icky aftertaste.

Favorite mixed drink? Strawberry daiquiri, vodka teasers, sex on the beach; vodkr, lime and lemonade; midori and orange. Black Russian. Screwdrivers.

Favorite malt liquor? *vomits*

What do you hate the most about people? What don't I hate the most about people? Heh. Ok, I really dislike jealousy, dishonesty, biggotry, self-centeredness, cynisism, people who pretend to be something they're not just to gain attention. And extremely rich kids who have no idea about the real world. Oh grow up!

What do you look for in a b/f or g/f? Same or very similar morals and values, good sence of humour, intellect, cocky but in a humourous way, selflessness, non-arrogant, kind, preferabley pierced and/or tattooed. Really good music taste. Phycically and mentally beautiful, really. A pair of magical eyes, please. And a beautiful smile. I also like 'em tall. Or at least an inch taller than me.

Whats your favorite line of clothing? If I had the money to spend on clothing I think I'd buy a mix of designers, as well as cheap thrift store things and such. I have an ecclectic fashion sence, to say the least.

Shoes? Anything that's comfy. I think black Chuck Taylors are nice (and comfy) but everyone and their grandma has them now. *pout* (so of course I bought a pair when I was in Australia. Ha.). I love a nice pair of black classy boots, as well as your generic run-of-the-mill flip flops for the beach.

If you could go anywhere, where would you go to live? France, Iran, Africa, England, Japan, Borneo or Sumatra (orangutans are there. yay!). I want to spend time in many countries, especially very exotic ones or ones where the culture is completely different to what I'm used to.

Dream Vacation? Disney World, New Orleans (or before it was all destoyed ), New York, LA, Paris, London, Tokyo, a tropical island, see above.

Type of Cruise? One that doesn't sink.

Favorite movie? Amelie, Chicago, Edward Scissorhands, Blow, Some Like It Hot, Pirates of The Carbbean; God Is Great, I'm Not; Lost In Tranlation; Gosford Park; Benny & Joon, Chocolat, Pride and Prejudice, Sense and Sensibility, Grease, The Notebook.

Last book read? The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown. One of the best I've ever read. Mind you, I do like anything that says Christianity isn't so nice and lovely.

Favorite book? Daughters of A Granite Land - Books 1, 2 and 3. Fingersmith. Tipping The Velvet. The Da Vinci Code. Shelters of Stone.

Favorite author? Lots.

Favorite TV show? King of The Hill, South Park, MONKEY BUSINESS! Antiques Roadshow (the English one. The American one sucks). The Grim Adeventures of Billy and Mandy; Mike, Lou and Ogg; Ed, Edd and Eddy. America's Next Top Model, The O.C, Lost, Family Guy.

Favorite kind of ice-cream? Chocolate, Cookies & Cream and Mint Choc Chip

Favorite sport? I don't mind watching basketball. I find martial arts interesting but I think it would be more fun to do than watch.

Sports played? Napping.

Favorite animal? Doggies and kitties and bunnies and ferrets and primates and rats and big cats and lizards. Everything?

How many animals do you have? 9

What are they? 2 doggies, a bunny, 2 zebra finches, 3 fishies and my precious kitten.

Favorite lipstick? None. I very rarely wear lipstick - I'm more of a gloss/chapstick kinda girl.

If you could be anyone who would you be? Tallulah Bankhead, Audrey Tautou, a tall slim model, or Vanessa Paradis (she is beautiful and gets to sleep with Johnny Depp. Need I say more?).

Favorite car? Hotrods and Model T Fords. Cars are boring, otherwise.

What kind of car do you own? None.

How many piercings do you have? 11

Where are they located? 4 in each ear, one labret (chin/lip), and 1 in each nipple.

How many tattoos? One on my inner right wrist.

Would you ever change your name? Nope.

Do you believe in numerology? Somewhat. I'm a 5. Can't budget. So right.

Do you like tattoos on your partners? Yes, so long as they are gotten for the right reason. i.e, for personal reasons and NOT fashion.

Do you like piercings on your partners? See above.

How many kids do you want? I think one I would like children, but I'm not sure how many.

Peanut butter: crunchy or smooth? Both.

Do you wear glasses? Sometimes for eye strain.

Do you have stuffed animals? Yes.

How many? Lots.

Do you dye your hair? Sometimes.

Do you like the rain? Mostly. Until it never STOPS raining.

What do you feel when you hear thunder and rain? Cozy.

Do you like to dance? Yes, though I am very shy so don't around others.

Do you have any crushes? On famous people, yes.

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