Delicious and Easy Textured Soy Protein

This is a really yummy recipe using Textured Soy Protein (TSP) bits, which, when cooked, are the same texture and colour of minced beef. Mix the TSP with some other ingredients and you can't tell the difference between the meat version or the meatless one. Trust me, it's true because my brother couldn't tell the difference and he's like a meat-a-holic.

Preperation time: 30 minutes.
Serves: 4.


You can replace any of these with vegan versions, like I do.
  • 1 onion, small dice
  • 2-3 garlic cloves, minced
  • 100 grams textured soy protein
  • 1 green pepper, diced roughly same size as onion
  • 2 tomatoes, diced
  • 1 can of baked beans in tomato sauce
  • 3 tablespoons of barbeque sauce
  • A dash of chili pepper powder or sauce (I tend to you use dried chili flakes instead of the chili pepper and jalepeno)
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Jalepeno pepper (optional)


  1. Soak the textured soy protein as directed on packet.
  2. In a little bit of olive oil saute onion and garlic until lightly cooked.
  3. Add textured soy protein to onion and garlic, then fry till it has a golden color or for about 3-4 minutes.
  4. Next you add the chopped pepper, tomatoes, beans, bbq sauce, and spices. Add to this a little bit of water so the mixture does not burn out. Simmer 20 minutes.
  5. If want it spicy add the jalepeno pepper at the end.

Serve with whole grain bread or a nice green salad. This mix is also great in tacos and burritos.

This recipe was found somewhere online, but I no longer have the link to the site.
