Merry Christmas!
December 23rd 07, 08:15 in: Personal, Website  

I felt like I should write something before the year is over and done with, before I have another long spell of not posting anything, and before Christmas.

Firstly, I think the biggest news, the news I'm most pleased about, is that I met this wonderful guy who is now my boyfriend. He's amazing and I adore him so much; he hasn't been in my life for very long, but I can't imagine it without him. And that's all I'll say because every time I read a blog post that contains lots of gushing about a boyfriend, I roll my eyes and wish they'd shut the fuck up already.

Because I'm so nice like that.

(But he's awesome, just so you know.)

In other news, I am working part-time, about 2-4 days a week, cleaning for a friend of my sister's. The pay is good so it makes the small amount of hours I work worth it. Of course I do want, and need, a proper job, probably full time, and I need it soon. Once the rush of Christmas and New Year's is over I can start looking properly. I want to save up to move out as soon as I can. I would really like to have my own place, but rent is not cheap and I don't want to move out without some financial back-up of my own. That would be like digging my own grave and jumping right in...

I still don't have the computer I was supposed to have all those months ago, but I don't really mind that much because I have nowhere to put it, anyway. It just means that updating the site is almost impossible, at least for anything that requires the ability to make graphics, and any major changes. Of course being close to the New Year means I would love to get a new design up, but that's not going to happen, much to my disappointment.

Merry Christmas/whatever holiday you celebrate/just have a nice end-of-year time, and have a good New Year's.

OMG, it's a post!
November 25th 07, 11:43 in: Personal, The Quilting Bee  

Um, yes...

Finally found the time and inclination to add all my Quilting Bee Halloween trades. My sister brought her computer back home so that's made it much easier to do things. You should thank her.

I've moved into my bus, which is awesome. I haven't done anything apart from putting my clothes in draws, but I'll slowly get there. Just need some funds for buying storage...

Speaking of funds, I'm still jobless, but really, am I trying that hard? No. This week I have to though. I can't live how I'm living, so I need work. Any work.

Other than that, not much else has been happening. And Zala, I tried going to your site just before but it was having a fit at me. Hope you're well!

No Computer and QBee Members Please Read!
October 21st 07, 13:02 in: Personal, Website, The Quilting Bee  

I'm just updating to let people know that I'm without my computer still, and now I'm without a computer or Internet at home. This will make updating all my sites manually pretty much impossible, though I will still be able to post in the blog and approve fan/namelist members, etc.

If you are participating in the Halloween event and I've requested to trade with you, or you have requested to trade with me, please be aware that due to my computer issues I wont be able to add your patches to my Halloween page. I don't know when I will be able to, but I will do it whenever I can! Sorry about this.

Other than that, I'm fine at the moment. My wisdom teeth extractions went well and my recovery was speedy and the pain well managed.

I don't have much time so I shall go. Sorry I can't read blogs very often and reply to comments very much :[

The Good, The Bad, And The Gorgeous.
October 5th 07, 16:09 in: Personal  

The last part of the title is totally irrelevant, just so you know. Even though I am gorgeous. Obviously (a-hur-hur).

Quite awhile since my last post, and a fair bit has since happened.

The bad news:

- On Wednesday one of our dogs, Kumho, had to be put to sleep due to kidney failure. He would have been 12 next month and, for a dog of his size, he was definitely an old man. It still hasn't really sunken in yet. I feel like I'll see him any minute now, but deep down I know I wont.
Our other dog, Puppy, is quite lost at the moment without his buddy. He needs loads of cuddles with everyone, as do us humans.

- I still don't have a job. I haven't gotten any casual work over the holidays, but, let's face it, I haven't exactly been trying. Especially this past week which has been really awful with Kumho being sick, and a bunch of other stressful things. Now there is no point in trying to get a job until I after I have my teeth done on Wednesday and have recovered.

- Financially I am just getting by, though I don't have enough to help pay for power and phone, etc. Just enough to get Molly's (you know, my cat) and my food.

The good news:

- The bus should be able to be moved into place in the next few weeks. Until then my Mum is going to help me take everything out of it, clean it to it's death (har har), and put curtains up.
Hopefully I should be getting power, and — please, please, please, please, please — Internet in there.
Power will allow the fridge, my stereo and TV, and some other electrical appliances to be plugged in, as needed. Fridge all the time, for obvious reasons...

- It's spring, and aside from the rain, what's not to love about spring, I ask? Not a lot, in my opinion.

- The Big Day Out is happening in January and it just so happens that some bands I would dearly love to see are coming! There is another announcement to come in November. From the first announcement I want to see the following:

  • Rage Against The Machine (you'd have to be a dolt to miss them)
  • Bjork (ahhh, Goddess!!)
  • Dizzee Rascal
  • The Phoenix Foundation (and a great New Zealand band)

I will have to find someone to go with. Maybe I can convince my brother, which shouldn't take much considering Rage are going to be there (fingers crossed).

I think that is all for this entry. I have some time online so I want to get as much done as I can! Hope you're all well; sorry I can't read blogs as much as I would like to. If there is anything important you'd like me to read, drop me an email!

Hurrah! Update
September 19th 07, 21:12 in: Articles  

So, at last, I am home. I've always considered Auckland to be my home, even after nearly seven years in another city.
Since I got here last Friday it's just been a case of settling in and organising what I can at the moment.
I'm getting my wisdom teeth removed on October 10, so that's good, even though I'm not looking forward to it.
I might have some casual work for a saddlery in the Whitford Village down the road, which will be nice. I also might have about 10 hours a week at the place one of my sisters works. Also nice! I hope both of those turn into something as I could really use the independence I'll gain from it.

The other big thing is getting my driver's license. I can practice my driving on the farm, which I enjoy, so now it's studying the Road Code, going for my learners and driving on an actual road. With other people. Ooh! Hehe.

I think that's all for now. Hope everyone who is reading this is well!

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