Archives for: November 2007

OMG, it's a post!
November 25th 07, 11:43 in: Personal, The Quilting Bee  

Um, yes...

Finally found the time and inclination to add all my Quilting Bee Halloween trades. My sister brought her computer back home so that's made it much easier to do things. You should thank her.

I've moved into my bus, which is awesome. I haven't done anything apart from putting my clothes in draws, but I'll slowly get there. Just need some funds for buying storage...

Speaking of funds, I'm still jobless, but really, am I trying that hard? No. This week I have to though. I can't live how I'm living, so I need work. Any work.

Other than that, not much else has been happening. And Zala, I tried going to your site just before but it was having a fit at me. Hope you're well!