Category: The Quilting Bee
OMG, it's a post!
Um, yes...
Finally found the time and inclination to add all my Quilting Bee Halloween trades. My sister brought her computer back home so that's made it much easier to do things. You should thank her.
I've moved into my bus, which is awesome. I haven't done anything apart from putting my clothes in draws, but I'll slowly get there. Just need some funds for buying storage...
Speaking of funds, I'm still jobless, but really, am I trying that hard? No. This week I have to though. I can't live how I'm living, so I need work. Any work.
Other than that, not much else has been happening. And Zala, I tried going to your site just before but it was having a fit at me. Hope you're well!
No Computer and QBee Members Please Read!
I'm just updating to let people know that I'm without my computer still, and now I'm without a computer or Internet at home. This will make updating all my sites manually pretty much impossible, though I will still be able to post in the blog and approve fan/namelist members, etc.
If you are participating in the Halloween event and I've requested to trade with you, or you have requested to trade with me, please be aware that due to my computer issues I wont be able to add your patches to my Halloween page. I don't know when I will be able to, but I will do it whenever I can! Sorry about this.
Other than that, I'm fine at the moment. My wisdom teeth extractions went well and my recovery was speedy and the pain well managed.
I don't have much time so I shall go. Sorry I can't read blogs very often and reply to comments very much :[
Boring Update
Been a busy few days in terms of getting my Internet things sorted. I managed to successfully upgrade B2, so now everything is valid (from what I can tell so far, anyway). Hooray! So very relieved. I've also been using the last two days to make a new design for my Quilting Bee quilt and integrating the wonderful MyQuiltAdmin script by Bubs into it. This means I can add all the patches I trade through an admin panel instead of manually putting them into the files. I need something like MyQuiltAdmin because I'm not going to have the Internet at my house in Auckland (at least not for awhile, anyway) and I need to be able to add patches without needing my HTML files and FTP.
So, for at least a few weeks I will be without my computer (which isn't technically mine), and Internet when I'm not at someone's house who has it. My main "issue" is that I could really do with a memory stick to store my important website files on so that if I do have some sort of emergency I can grab the files easily and upload them through my Cpanel.
I wish memory sticks, or laptops, for that matter, grew on trees!
Maybe one day they will...
Anyway, I haven't even started packing my things yet. I don't know how much I really have. It doesn't seem like a lot because I already packed up quite a bit of stuff back in May and Dad took it to Auckland, but I just don't know what else there is that isn't in my room. Once I've finished my new quilt site all my time will pretty much be taken up by sorting and packing either my things and helping Mum.
I'm getting a sore throat which is the last thing I need this weekend.
Lazy Sunday
Well, it feels like a Lazy Sunday, even though I'm not really being lazy since I am doing websitely things. Mostly answering e-mails and the like.
I made a Lazy Sunday playlist, and you may view it here. Perfect for my kind of Sunday.
Yesterday was my third year anniversary of being a member of The Quilting Bee. I got the exciting news of all the site changes yesterday as well, so that was nice. All members have their own profiles at the site now, and there are lots of new little nifty things for us to squeal about!
On a more personal note, I am currently cutting my upper right wisdom tooth, and I think the upper left will follow. I can actually feel a point through on the right one. It hasn't really been painful, I've just felt quite a bit of uncomfortable pressure in the wisdom tooth areas, as well as all my top teeth.
I went to the dentist (a new one as my old one wasn't very good) on Friday to get everything checked. I have to have some panoramic x-rays done, as well as the regular x-rays from inside my mouth.
We'll see what happens.
I've been making Teddy Bears over the last month or so. I made one for one of my sisters and I've just sent one to an aunt, for her birthday. I've also made a little miniature bear; he's very cute!
Here's the one for my aunt (I nicknamed him 'Teddy Bobkins')
Okay, that's all for now. Off I go to be productive!
Collectives and Thoughts on the future of PrettyBloomers
I have put the new layout for the site on hold for awhile and decided to focus more on my fanlist and namelist collectives. Aside from owning several more listings I want to upgrade Enthusiast 3 to Enthusiast 3.1, but I'm waiting on my hosting to get back to me with some info I need for the configuration.
When I do begin to focus on PrettyBloomers again I want to kind of overhaul the site a bit. I mean, what I would love to do is buy another domain name and begin to shift everything over to it, as I feel like Prettybloomers has kind of run it's course and I feel like having a fresh start. I can't afford to do that right now, so in the meantime I will just clean up the site considerably and get rid of a lot of stuff that I feel is not necessary anymore.
The Quilting Bee has a new activity so I'm going to go and get started on making stuff for that.