Archives for: September 2007
Hurrah! Update
So, at last, I am home. I've always considered Auckland to be my home, even after nearly seven years in another city.
Since I got here last Friday it's just been a case of settling in and organising what I can at the moment.
I'm getting my wisdom teeth removed on October 10, so that's good, even though I'm not looking forward to it.
I might have some casual work for a saddlery in the Whitford Village down the road, which will be nice. I also might have about 10 hours a week at the place one of my sisters works. Also nice! I hope both of those turn into something as I could really use the independence I'll gain from it.
The other big thing is getting my driver's license. I can practice my driving on the farm, which I enjoy, so now it's studying the Road Code, going for my learners and driving on an actual road. With other people. Ooh! Hehe.
I think that's all for now. Hope everyone who is reading this is well!
See Ya!
I think this will be my last blog for a little while. I'm sure you will all miss me sooo much. Not. Hehe.
Pretty much everything is all packed up now. My room is bare of all my things. I like my things. Things are good, especially my ones! It's strange to be in there and I half expect to here an echo or something.
My Mum had to have a minor surgery done on a toe this morning, so she has to rest and keep it up all day. Inconvenient much? It's not too bad really, I'm just whinging because I'm tired.
Right, I should go and be productive and useful!
Tug You Off Your Cloud
I'm very boring when I update this blog. All I ever seem to talk about is either website related, something to do with dentistry (which is all over aside from my wisdom teeth) and moving. I have nothing of any substance to contribute whatsoever to the world of blogging.
Woe is me.
But I can say this (which I may have done already...): I recommend the song 'Frances The Mute' by The Mars Volta. Just remember that. It makes me gloriously happy, and Omar Rodriguez-Lopez and Cedric Bixler-Zavala are geniuses.
I heard a tragic rumor today though! The new Volta album, Bedlam In Goliath, is supposed to be released next month, but it may be pushed to January.
Oh noes!* Whatever is a girl to do? How shall I manage another three months? My ears will shrivel up and fall off for I will not have the medication they so crave. Le sigh!
There are too many exclamation points in this post. I shall remove some of them.
Actually, no, wait. There are only three and I think they are necessary. Nevermind.
On the subject of music, I will be missing Snow Patrol, who are playing in Auckland on Friday night. We're moving up that day but I wont be there early enough to get to it. Oh and there is the small problem of me not having any money to pay for such things.
On the weekend I caught up with an old online friend that I'd not spoken to properly in quite awhile. It was so wonderful to speak to him again. It would have been easy to just carry on with my website stuff that day and say I was too busy to talk, but I didn't and you have no idea how glad I am about that. More so than I shall write about here, as it's public.
Oh and I know people have commented on my last post. I will get to reading them and replying, honestly. I'm just super-busy and scatter brained at the moment so it might take longer than usual.
*Sorry, I couldn't help myself with that one.
Boring Update
Been a busy few days in terms of getting my Internet things sorted. I managed to successfully upgrade B2, so now everything is valid (from what I can tell so far, anyway). Hooray! So very relieved. I've also been using the last two days to make a new design for my Quilting Bee quilt and integrating the wonderful MyQuiltAdmin script by Bubs into it. This means I can add all the patches I trade through an admin panel instead of manually putting them into the files. I need something like MyQuiltAdmin because I'm not going to have the Internet at my house in Auckland (at least not for awhile, anyway) and I need to be able to add patches without needing my HTML files and FTP.
So, for at least a few weeks I will be without my computer (which isn't technically mine), and Internet when I'm not at someone's house who has it. My main "issue" is that I could really do with a memory stick to store my important website files on so that if I do have some sort of emergency I can grab the files easily and upload them through my Cpanel.
I wish memory sticks, or laptops, for that matter, grew on trees!
Maybe one day they will...
Anyway, I haven't even started packing my things yet. I don't know how much I really have. It doesn't seem like a lot because I already packed up quite a bit of stuff back in May and Dad took it to Auckland, but I just don't know what else there is that isn't in my room. Once I've finished my new quilt site all my time will pretty much be taken up by sorting and packing either my things and helping Mum.
I'm getting a sore throat which is the last thing I need this weekend.
Tonight's Secret Ingredient Is...
Last night I discovered the joys of Wikipedia's random article function. Normally when I use the site it's only to look at a specific thing—I've never actually taken a look around the front page.
Anyway, I learnt about European communes in the Middle Ages; an English footballer; an American baseball player; a fantasy writer; a controversial English author, journalist, and lifelong feminist; and a few other things that have since escaped my memory.
Perhaps not the most riveting Saturday night of my life, but it was a good way to pass the time while waiting for To Kill A Mockingbird to load (it took so long I only watched four minutes before giving up and going to bed). By the way, the book is wonderful and I highly recommend it.
What else did I do last night? Watched Iron Chef America, of course! The secret ingredient was goat though, which, with me being vegetarian/an aspiring vegan wasn't my plate of, erm, tofu. However, I did see the neatest little jellied red wine balls being made. They cooked red wine with sugar and something to give the balls a hard/jelly outside, then put the liquid into syringes and proceeded to slowly put drops of it into a large dish of what I'm assuming was very cold water. They shook the dish and the balls formed. Apparently they were liquid on the inside. Yum!
Validating B2evolution is becoming a nightmare in many ways. It's supposed to be valid! I don't get it because all the code I've put in is valid and the stuff that isn't is probably in some file in some folder that I've not touched since I starting using the script. It's so bloody frustrating! It's not valid strict either, but transitional. I've switched the rest of my pages to transitional DTD for uniformities sake.
Despite all of that I do like B2 though. It does what I want and that's what is important (for now at least).