Category: Music

Tug You Off Your Cloud
September 10th 07, 19:57 in: Personal, Music  

I'm very boring when I update this blog. All I ever seem to talk about is either website related, something to do with dentistry (which is all over aside from my wisdom teeth) and moving. I have nothing of any substance to contribute whatsoever to the world of blogging.

Woe is me.

But I can say this (which I may have done already...): I recommend the song 'Frances The Mute' by The Mars Volta. Just remember that. It makes me gloriously happy, and Omar Rodriguez-Lopez and Cedric Bixler-Zavala are geniuses.
I heard a tragic rumor today though! The new Volta album, Bedlam In Goliath, is supposed to be released next month, but it may be pushed to January.

Oh noes!* Whatever is a girl to do? How shall I manage another three months? My ears will shrivel up and fall off for I will not have the medication they so crave. Le sigh!

There are too many exclamation points in this post. I shall remove some of them.
Actually, no, wait. There are only three and I think they are necessary. Nevermind.

On the subject of music, I will be missing Snow Patrol, who are playing in Auckland on Friday night. We're moving up that day but I wont be there early enough to get to it. Oh and there is the small problem of me not having any money to pay for such things.

On the weekend I caught up with an old online friend that I'd not spoken to properly in quite awhile. It was so wonderful to speak to him again. It would have been easy to just carry on with my website stuff that day and say I was too busy to talk, but I didn't and you have no idea how glad I am about that. More so than I shall write about here, as it's public.

Oh and I know people have commented on my last post. I will get to reading them and replying, honestly. I'm just super-busy and scatter brained at the moment so it might take longer than usual.

*Sorry, I couldn't help myself with that one.

August 12th 07, 15:30 in: Website, Music  

Okay, everything is pretty much switched over now. I still have tonnes to do though, and revalidating everything is one of them.

Bare with me. I think everything is working, which is all the matters.

Lazy Sunday
August 12th 07, 11:39 in: Personal, Website, Music, The Quilting Bee  

Well, it feels like a Lazy Sunday, even though I'm not really being lazy since I am doing websitely things. Mostly answering e-mails and the like.

I made a Lazy Sunday playlist, and you may view it here. Perfect for my kind of Sunday.

Yesterday was my third year anniversary of being a member of The Quilting Bee. I got the exciting news of all the site changes yesterday as well, so that was nice. All members have their own profiles at the site now, and there are lots of new little nifty things for us to squeal about!

On a more personal note, I am currently cutting my upper right wisdom tooth, and I think the upper left will follow. I can actually feel a point through on the right one. It hasn't really been painful, I've just felt quite a bit of uncomfortable pressure in the wisdom tooth areas, as well as all my top teeth.
I went to the dentist (a new one as my old one wasn't very good) on Friday to get everything checked. I have to have some panoramic x-rays done, as well as the regular x-rays from inside my mouth.
We'll see what happens.

I've been making Teddy Bears over the last month or so. I made one for one of my sisters and I've just sent one to an aunt, for her birthday. I've also made a little miniature bear; he's very cute!

Here's the one for my aunt (I nicknamed him 'Teddy Bobkins')

Okay, that's all for now. Off I go to be productive!

Late Night Shopping Spree
July 5th 07, 17:34 in: Personal, Updates, Music  

Hello! Anybody there?

Maybe not - it's been awhile since I updated. This place is dusty and I can see a few tumble weeds, too...

I got back from my holiday in Auckland on Monday. It was crappy having to leave but at the same time I was ready to get back to my own bed and house.
It's alot colder here in Gisborne, unfortunetely!

While I was away I mostly just hung out with my eldest sister, her husband and my little 18-month-old nephew, Romeo. He's got mouth ulcers at the moment, poor bubba :(
He calls me "Sssth" because he doesn't seem to want to add the "a" and "m" to the end, hehe. It's the kind of cute that kills!
They aren't moving overseas until next year now, so that's pleasing.

We (we being my mum, Tanya, Romeo and myself) went to Auckland Zoo, which was nice. I am conflicted about zoos, as I don't like the idea of animals being forced to be in enclosures that are often alot smaller than their roaming areas in the wild, and then they have all these humans come and look at them, taking pictures and being noisey, among other things. It's basically entertainment, and I don't believe animals should be used as such.
Auckland Zoo is quite good with their enclosures, and I feel as though they are adequate, but of course the ideal would be to have them as big as they would be in the wild.
Their conservation and educational resources are quite good though. Every opportunity they get they try to educate people about the animals, their environment, the environment in general and what people can do to help any endangered species or habitats.

I was enamoured with the orangutans, as usual. One of the females had a baby, so I nearly died when I got to watch them together. Actually, I nearly cried... They're the most stunning animals on Earth, in my opinion.

Anyway, as for the site, I have a 5 Things submission to add. I still have things left to do, but whether or not I'll get around to that any time soon is debatable.

At the moment I'm making a teddy bear, and everything in my mind seems to be about teddy bears! Haha. I shall take a picture of her when I'm finished.


P.S, the title of this entry is a song name. It's by a band called The Electric Confectionaires, and they're from Auckland. Really awesome upcoming band, so check out their MySpace,

Lying On Your Side With Your Hands Between Your Thighs
June 16th 07, 11:15 in: Personal, Website, Updates, Music  

It's been a little while, I know. Have been sick with a cold the last few days, which is very inconvenient as we're having people look through the house some days. I'm also having to scramble about to organise all my online things (fanlists mostly) as well as pack for going away to Auckland with Mum for a couple of weeks.

When we go away we take our dogs and my cat with us because of Dad working so much and stuff. We're taking the rabbit too because we're moving to Auckland anyway, so she's going to stay with my grandma until we get up there ourselves. The rabbit is doing well and is quite settled now.

I went away on June 2nd to see the band The View play in Auckland on June 4th. They were AMAZING. Seriously brilliant and I loved every second of it! I got loads of great pictures, as I was right up the front and in front of Kieren, the bassist, who's definitely not lacking in the looks department. I also came away with a set list and boasting abilities that I held Kieren's hand! So there!

Oh yeah, I ran into Kyle and Steve, singer and drummer respectively, on my way to the loo! They were just standing there talking to some people, so as I passed Steve I grinned and said "Oh my God!" and he grinned back. Then as I was coming back from the loo I smiled at Kyle and he grinned back. It was so seriously cool. Plus I decided that Kyle was one of the most adorable individuals ever after that grin. He's much better looking in person, and he's so...cute! I just wanted to hug him. Which is probably not the kind of look he's going for. Being the cute one, I mean. He might prefer being known as the Sex God, but Kieren's got that one down pat. I think you'd have to be insane not to find him good looking.

In more websitey news, I haven't done any more work on the site since I got back on the 8th. Been too busy!

I had a moment of dopiness a few days ago and decided I'd apply to create two new fanlists, a The View one and one for The View's song 'Skag Trendy'.
I've been approved for 'Skag Trendy' so will make that today. I have yet to be approved for The View one but made it anyway yesterday in case I was approved when I was away and everything. That way I don't have to panic when I get home or when I'm away.

Now I have The Quilting Bee stuff to do and blah, blah, blah.

Must organise clothes to pack and things to take away.

Arrrggghhhh, so hectic!

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