Archives for: March 2008

New design and changes
March 24th 08, 16:03 in: Website, Updates  

Apologies to Internet Explorer users. I know the layout is looking a bit rubbish for you right now, but bare with me while I figure out how to fix it! Or you could just switch to using Firefox because it really is superior to IE, especially since IE is full of bugs.

Funnily enough, I just read an article about a campaign of sorts for web developers to trash all IE hacks. I have to say that I agree with the guy. How are people going to see how rubbish IE is if everyone uses hacks to make things pretty in it? And more importantly, how are Microsoft going to get the boot in the behind they need to develop a browser that's not as plainly crap as IE is?
If it wasn't for the fact I want my site to look pretty in more than one browser, I would leave all the hacks alone and not bother. But, alas, I like the pretty... So, I shall at least try. However, since I never use IE, and I honestly don't think anyone else should, I don't have that strong a desire to fix it.

Got rid of lots of stuff and there is no longer a visitor content section as this place is more blog/collective, now. I think I'll still weed out some of the stuff from the Sam section, as well. Have to rewrite things and clean up the unused folders and files from the domain. Also need to make a new layout for Bibliophile.

Loads to do, but I'm enjoying it very much as it's been ages since I've really been able to do any real coding. I felt a bit rusty at first but it all came back (mostly!).

Not Quite So Different
March 5th 08, 17:10 in: Personal, Website  

As you can see, not much has changed, so far. Nothing at all, actually. But this isn't because I've been lazy, it's because I've gone through two designs for a purely collective website, and neither felt right at all. Something was always missing and the whole idea of giving up so much of the site hasn't been sitting well with me.
So, I've been slowly working on a new design for the site, one I'm really happy with. It will mean I can still keep the blog (which I'm now loath to remove since it took so much of my time and frustration to set it up in the first place!), and have a few pages of interest. My other sites will be more easily accessible from the front page, as well.

At this point I wont have visitor content, unless I can figure out what to offer. In the long run, I don't think having visitor content/goodies will be very practical as I can't easily update them and add more. Soo, all in all, I'll probably have an even more boring site than this one already is!
I will, however, make a concerted effort to update the blog weekly with something other than "I'm good. The End." Even if that means reading about a failed attempt at cooking a meal or the confusing selection of laundry detergent at the supermarket.

In other news, my boyfriend and I will be going to Gisborne to help my parent's work on their house. They're renovating to sell and my dad has been doing most of the work himself, so he could really use a hand. My mum also had minor surgery on her foot today, so it'll be good to have me there to help her out with things.
I'm actually looking forward to going back there, and Az has never been, so it'll be cool to show him around the place. Hopefully, between working, we'll be able to do some fun things (small-town cinemas are always amusing to visit). Aaand, out for dinner, because one thing can be said about Gisborne: it has some very good restaurants.

And, of course, being is Gisborne, I will have the use of the desktop computer with all my stuff on it, so updating the site will be much easier and hopefully faster.

Oh desktop computer music collection, how I have missed you so!