Category: Articles

Hurrah! Update
September 19th 07, 21:12 in: Articles  

So, at last, I am home. I've always considered Auckland to be my home, even after nearly seven years in another city.
Since I got here last Friday it's just been a case of settling in and organising what I can at the moment.
I'm getting my wisdom teeth removed on October 10, so that's good, even though I'm not looking forward to it.
I might have some casual work for a saddlery in the Whitford Village down the road, which will be nice. I also might have about 10 hours a week at the place one of my sisters works. Also nice! I hope both of those turn into something as I could really use the independence I'll gain from it.

The other big thing is getting my driver's license. I can practice my driving on the farm, which I enjoy, so now it's studying the Road Code, going for my learners and driving on an actual road. With other people. Ooh! Hehe.

I think that's all for now. Hope everyone who is reading this is well!