Category: Literature
I'm too tired to think of a witty title...
I should really be sleeping right now, or at least attempting to, but I don't feel like it despite being quite tired.
Some personal stuff has been going on at the moment that is taking it's tole on me physically and mentally. But it could always be much, much worse and there is a silver lining. Somewhere.
I'm going to post my favourite poem by William Blake. It's called 'Auguries of Innocence'. Actually, if you've ever seen the first Tomb Raider movie, you may recognise the first part of the poem, as it features in the film:
To see a world in a grain of sand,
And a heaven in a wild flower,
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
And eternity in an hour.
Remember? It's the clue Lara's father hid in a book for her. It's my favourite part of the poem (not because of the Angelina connection, but because I think it's one of the most beautiful things ever written)!
The whole thing is below, under the cut, because it's looong.
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