Archives for: April 2008

Blog Commenting Issues
April 12th 08, 17:17 in: Personal, Website  

As some of you may have noticed, when you try to post a comment on one of my posts, it takes you to the 404 error page. This is some issue to so with b2evolution that I'm trying to figure out, but it's taking awhile.

To let you know, I do receive the comments you leave, and they do get posted. To see for yourself, hit 'back' and refresh the page. Your comment should be there.

Tomorrow I'm leaving town for about five days. Going to stay with The Boy's family, all of whom (well, this part of his family, anyway) I've not met yet. I'm looking forward to it and Hastings is a place I've only been to once before, and that was when my mother was critically ill in the hospital there. Will be nice to go back in better circumstances.

I did make cupcakes, by the way, and they were awesome. Should have taken some photos! Silly me.

I will destroy you with star shaped sprinkles
April 3rd 08, 11:14 in: Personal  

Arrived back in Gisborne yesterday and we (The Boy, my mother and myself) should be here until late April. The Boy and I are actually going to be working on the house for my Dad, doing things like removing paint from around the outside windows and so on.

I really want to buy some nice big candles tomorrow so I can have candle lit bubble baths while I'm here. I miss baths! And that's kind of funny coming from someone who refuses to have one unless she's already showered, so the water doesn't get "dirty"... I think everyone should do that. I couldn't stand having been out at work all day, especially if it was a messy job, then coming home and soaking in a bath, whereby you basically soak in dirty water. What is clean about that?

I'm planning on making cupcakes some time soon. Gotta find me an awesome recipe for red velvet ones or...I don't know, vanilla, maybe. I really want Vegan Cupcakes Take Over The World by Isa Chandra Moskowitz. Really, really want it.

Other than adventures into the land of cooking and baking, I have a Secret Project happening. It's a craft one and hopefully it'll go nicely, otherwise I'll be most annoyed.