Archives for: December 2007

Merry Christmas!
December 23rd 07, 08:15 in: Personal, Website  

I felt like I should write something before the year is over and done with, before I have another long spell of not posting anything, and before Christmas.

Firstly, I think the biggest news, the news I'm most pleased about, is that I met this wonderful guy who is now my boyfriend. He's amazing and I adore him so much; he hasn't been in my life for very long, but I can't imagine it without him. And that's all I'll say because every time I read a blog post that contains lots of gushing about a boyfriend, I roll my eyes and wish they'd shut the fuck up already.

Because I'm so nice like that.

(But he's awesome, just so you know.)

In other news, I am working part-time, about 2-4 days a week, cleaning for a friend of my sister's. The pay is good so it makes the small amount of hours I work worth it. Of course I do want, and need, a proper job, probably full time, and I need it soon. Once the rush of Christmas and New Year's is over I can start looking properly. I want to save up to move out as soon as I can. I would really like to have my own place, but rent is not cheap and I don't want to move out without some financial back-up of my own. That would be like digging my own grave and jumping right in...

I still don't have the computer I was supposed to have all those months ago, but I don't really mind that much because I have nowhere to put it, anyway. It just means that updating the site is almost impossible, at least for anything that requires the ability to make graphics, and any major changes. Of course being close to the New Year means I would love to get a new design up, but that's not going to happen, much to my disappointment.

Merry Christmas/whatever holiday you celebrate/just have a nice end-of-year time, and have a good New Year's.