Categories: Personal, Fur Babies

Blog Commenting Issues
April 12th 08, 17:17 in: Personal, Website  

As some of you may have noticed, when you try to post a comment on one of my posts, it takes you to the 404 error page. This is some issue to so with b2evolution that I'm trying to figure out, but it's taking awhile.

To let you know, I do receive the comments you leave, and they do get posted. To see for yourself, hit 'back' and refresh the page. Your comment should be there.

Tomorrow I'm leaving town for about five days. Going to stay with The Boy's family, all of whom (well, this part of his family, anyway) I've not met yet. I'm looking forward to it and Hastings is a place I've only been to once before, and that was when my mother was critically ill in the hospital there. Will be nice to go back in better circumstances.

I did make cupcakes, by the way, and they were awesome. Should have taken some photos! Silly me.

I will destroy you with star shaped sprinkles
April 3rd 08, 11:14 in: Personal  

Arrived back in Gisborne yesterday and we (The Boy, my mother and myself) should be here until late April. The Boy and I are actually going to be working on the house for my Dad, doing things like removing paint from around the outside windows and so on.

I really want to buy some nice big candles tomorrow so I can have candle lit bubble baths while I'm here. I miss baths! And that's kind of funny coming from someone who refuses to have one unless she's already showered, so the water doesn't get "dirty"... I think everyone should do that. I couldn't stand having been out at work all day, especially if it was a messy job, then coming home and soaking in a bath, whereby you basically soak in dirty water. What is clean about that?

I'm planning on making cupcakes some time soon. Gotta find me an awesome recipe for red velvet ones or...I don't know, vanilla, maybe. I really want Vegan Cupcakes Take Over The World by Isa Chandra Moskowitz. Really, really want it.

Other than adventures into the land of cooking and baking, I have a Secret Project happening. It's a craft one and hopefully it'll go nicely, otherwise I'll be most annoyed.

Not Quite So Different
March 5th 08, 17:10 in: Personal, Website  

As you can see, not much has changed, so far. Nothing at all, actually. But this isn't because I've been lazy, it's because I've gone through two designs for a purely collective website, and neither felt right at all. Something was always missing and the whole idea of giving up so much of the site hasn't been sitting well with me.
So, I've been slowly working on a new design for the site, one I'm really happy with. It will mean I can still keep the blog (which I'm now loath to remove since it took so much of my time and frustration to set it up in the first place!), and have a few pages of interest. My other sites will be more easily accessible from the front page, as well.

At this point I wont have visitor content, unless I can figure out what to offer. In the long run, I don't think having visitor content/goodies will be very practical as I can't easily update them and add more. Soo, all in all, I'll probably have an even more boring site than this one already is!
I will, however, make a concerted effort to update the blog weekly with something other than "I'm good. The End." Even if that means reading about a failed attempt at cooking a meal or the confusing selection of laundry detergent at the supermarket.

In other news, my boyfriend and I will be going to Gisborne to help my parent's work on their house. They're renovating to sell and my dad has been doing most of the work himself, so he could really use a hand. My mum also had minor surgery on her foot today, so it'll be good to have me there to help her out with things.
I'm actually looking forward to going back there, and Az has never been, so it'll be cool to show him around the place. Hopefully, between working, we'll be able to do some fun things (small-town cinemas are always amusing to visit). Aaand, out for dinner, because one thing can be said about Gisborne: it has some very good restaurants.

And, of course, being is Gisborne, I will have the use of the desktop computer with all my stuff on it, so updating the site will be much easier and hopefully faster.

Oh desktop computer music collection, how I have missed you so!

I'm alive! (Oh noes!)
February 3rd 08, 10:44 in: Personal, Website  

I've decided to post because Christine asked how I was doing. :]

I'm doing quite well, definitely still alive, definitely ok and definitely happy (with most things, nothing is ever perfect!).
I had a great Christmas and New Year's with my family and boyfriend (who is brilliant, kthnx), just lots of fun.

I never go into depth here, so don't expect any juicy details or anything (but there are some). Just know I'm well, and happy, and loved, and I like waking up in the morning.

Soon I will making a very big change to PrettyBloomers. Basically my personal site, the one you see here with the blog and all that, will be no more. I can't properly update it anymore as I still don't have the computer with all my files and programs on it. I have all my files on disc, but it's really hard to update anything using my sister's computer. Aside from that, I also don't feel that I want a personal site anymore, with all that old stuff about me. I've changed significantly over the past 6 months and no longer want to have so much of myself (albeit alot is no longer valid) so public. There is Facebook and MySpace for that! (Har har).

So, my plan is to continue with my fan- and namelist collectives, book reviews, and of course my Quilting Bee quilt. I will be keeping all my affiliates, unless any of them decide they no loner want to be affiliates, but I will no longer have link exchanges.

The new site will be small, with maybe a few extra pages with some basic info and/or random things for anyone who's interested. I'm not entirely sure yet. As long as I can make it look good using Serif Photoplus, I don't care about extra pages!

Oh, Photoshop, how I miss you so!! *sniffle* (No, really, I used to have hours of fun on that thing when I was bored, and, seriously, I miss it more than I miss anything else on that damn computer. Even more than my collection of Angelina Jolie photos, but not quite as much as the music).

Anyway, I shall leave it here and try to think up some drafts for the new site. Wish me luck (please?!).

P.S., I don't even know what the latest design trends are. Not that I want to pay attention to them, but usually I at least know...

Merry Christmas!
December 23rd 07, 08:15 in: Personal, Website  

I felt like I should write something before the year is over and done with, before I have another long spell of not posting anything, and before Christmas.

Firstly, I think the biggest news, the news I'm most pleased about, is that I met this wonderful guy who is now my boyfriend. He's amazing and I adore him so much; he hasn't been in my life for very long, but I can't imagine it without him. And that's all I'll say because every time I read a blog post that contains lots of gushing about a boyfriend, I roll my eyes and wish they'd shut the fuck up already.

Because I'm so nice like that.

(But he's awesome, just so you know.)

In other news, I am working part-time, about 2-4 days a week, cleaning for a friend of my sister's. The pay is good so it makes the small amount of hours I work worth it. Of course I do want, and need, a proper job, probably full time, and I need it soon. Once the rush of Christmas and New Year's is over I can start looking properly. I want to save up to move out as soon as I can. I would really like to have my own place, but rent is not cheap and I don't want to move out without some financial back-up of my own. That would be like digging my own grave and jumping right in...

I still don't have the computer I was supposed to have all those months ago, but I don't really mind that much because I have nowhere to put it, anyway. It just means that updating the site is almost impossible, at least for anything that requires the ability to make graphics, and any major changes. Of course being close to the New Year means I would love to get a new design up, but that's not going to happen, much to my disappointment.

Merry Christmas/whatever holiday you celebrate/just have a nice end-of-year time, and have a good New Year's.

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