Category: Updates
New design and changes
Apologies to Internet Explorer users. I know the layout is looking a bit rubbish for you right now, but bare with me while I figure out how to fix it! Or you could just switch to using Firefox because it really is superior to IE, especially since IE is full of bugs.
Funnily enough, I just read an article about a campaign of sorts for web developers to trash all IE hacks. I have to say that I agree with the guy. How are people going to see how rubbish IE is if everyone uses hacks to make things pretty in it? And more importantly, how are Microsoft going to get the boot in the behind they need to develop a browser that's not as plainly crap as IE is?
If it wasn't for the fact I want my site to look pretty in more than one browser, I would leave all the hacks alone and not bother. But, alas, I like the pretty... So, I shall at least try. However, since I never use IE, and I honestly don't think anyone else should, I don't have that strong a desire to fix it.
Got rid of lots of stuff and there is no longer a visitor content section as this place is more blog/collective, now. I think I'll still weed out some of the stuff from the Sam section, as well. Have to rewrite things and clean up the unused folders and files from the domain. Also need to make a new layout for Bibliophile.
Loads to do, but I'm enjoying it very much as it's been ages since I've really been able to do any real coding. I felt a bit rusty at first but it all came back (mostly!).
BellaBiblio and Jobs
I've installed BellaBiblio, but it's not public yet because I want to work on a style for it (and, erm, add books!).
I'm going to start actively seeking a job on the weekend. Door knocking around town to see what's available. I think there is a position at an electronics store, and one at a men's clothing shop.
I went to the library to ask one of the librarians about being a librarian. She was really nice and helpful, and gave me the name of a course available through the Open Polytechnic. She also said that they sometimes have Saturday positions that don't require qualifications, just not right now. They advertise them in the local newspaper though, and I will pester them every time I go in.
It's such a confidence thing with me and jobs. I'm a bit of a perfectionist and I hate making mistakes; I suffer for it because it makes me almost terrified to work anywhere, yet I know I appear to be confident, and often am alright in new situations.
I haven't really written in this blog, or the site at all, about the depression I've had for years now. It's so public and I'm not really comfortable letting just anyone know about it.
I was diagnosed "clinically depressed" by a psychiatrist at the beginning on 2025, and I also had Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. I'm alright at the moment; it comes and goes. Sometimes I'm fine and confident, and feel like I can do all I set my heart on; other times I feel none of those things, and I get in a rut that is very hard to get myself out of.
So, that is a little more insight into me! Everybody has so many different layers and, especially on the Internet, you only ever get to see what they want you to.
Anyway, it is freezing and I have a headache (remind never to drink Coca Cola...).
I really should start reading more non-LiveJournal blogs. Almost all of my online friends have LiveJournals and not their own sites with a blog on it. I would like to actually start reading, and communicating, more with people outside of LJ.
Collectives and Thoughts on the future of PrettyBloomers
I have put the new layout for the site on hold for awhile and decided to focus more on my fanlist and namelist collectives. Aside from owning several more listings I want to upgrade Enthusiast 3 to Enthusiast 3.1, but I'm waiting on my hosting to get back to me with some info I need for the configuration.
When I do begin to focus on PrettyBloomers again I want to kind of overhaul the site a bit. I mean, what I would love to do is buy another domain name and begin to shift everything over to it, as I feel like Prettybloomers has kind of run it's course and I feel like having a fresh start. I can't afford to do that right now, so in the meantime I will just clean up the site considerably and get rid of a lot of stuff that I feel is not necessary anymore.
The Quilting Bee has a new activity so I'm going to go and get started on making stuff for that.
Late Night Shopping Spree
Hello! Anybody there?
Maybe not - it's been awhile since I updated. This place is dusty and I can see a few tumble weeds, too...
I got back from my holiday in Auckland on Monday. It was crappy having to leave but at the same time I was ready to get back to my own bed and house.
It's alot colder here in Gisborne, unfortunetely!
While I was away I mostly just hung out with my eldest sister, her husband and my little 18-month-old nephew, Romeo. He's got mouth ulcers at the moment, poor bubba :(
He calls me "Sssth" because he doesn't seem to want to add the "a" and "m" to the end, hehe. It's the kind of cute that kills!
They aren't moving overseas until next year now, so that's pleasing.
We (we being my mum, Tanya, Romeo and myself) went to Auckland Zoo, which was nice. I am conflicted about zoos, as I don't like the idea of animals being forced to be in enclosures that are often alot smaller than their roaming areas in the wild, and then they have all these humans come and look at them, taking pictures and being noisey, among other things. It's basically entertainment, and I don't believe animals should be used as such.
Auckland Zoo is quite good with their enclosures, and I feel as though they are adequate, but of course the ideal would be to have them as big as they would be in the wild.
Their conservation and educational resources are quite good though. Every opportunity they get they try to educate people about the animals, their environment, the environment in general and what people can do to help any endangered species or habitats.
I was enamoured with the orangutans, as usual. One of the females had a baby, so I nearly died when I got to watch them together. Actually, I nearly cried... They're the most stunning animals on Earth, in my opinion.
Anyway, as for the site, I have a 5 Things submission to add. I still have things left to do, but whether or not I'll get around to that any time soon is debatable.
At the moment I'm making a teddy bear, and everything in my mind seems to be about teddy bears! Haha. I shall take a picture of her when I'm finished.
P.S, the title of this entry is a song name. It's by a band called The Electric Confectionaires, and they're from Auckland. Really awesome upcoming band, so check out their MySpace,
New Affie + Mini Hiatus
I have a new affiliate, Ally! Hello :]
Also, I'm going away for about two weeks tomorrow, so all affie and link exchange requests will be replied to when I get home. Same applies for all Quilting Bee trade requests.
I've made two new fanlistings as well:
The View and Skag Trendy.
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