Archives for: July 2007, 20

Spare Me A Brew And A Double Bed
July 20th 07, 18:48 - Categories: Personal, Holidays, Thoughts, Website  

Got back yesterday. I wish you could have frequent driving-to-Auckland-and-back miles because I'd have a shitload of free stuff by now.

Finished the Teddy Bear I was making and gave it to one of my sisters. Was gladly received, which is good. Obviously.

What else? Ummmm, not alot really. I did almost zero shopping, which was a positive thing. I did buy a pen and a small plastic make-up bag thing for my handbag from Japanese, the best store in existence. I also went to Bramtons, which is an English goods store at Pakuranga mall. They sell stuff from England, mostly food but also a few cleaning products and such. While browsing the store I found a Lion Bar which I didn't think you could get here. It's a chocolate bar thing, quite nice, actually. Oh and I got a Ben Shaw's Cream Soda. Yum.

I've been nominated for two of the Golden Honeybear Awards at The Quilting Bee. One for 'Best Patch' and one for 'Best Quilt'. I would like to win one, but I wont be terribly disappointed if I don't as all the other nominees are just as deserving. I'm just stoked I even got nominated at all!

While browsing the nominees for the 'Best Website' award I was amazed at how brilliant some people are with their designs and writing. I was a bit envious, to be honest. I really wish my site was as nice looking and dynamic. I know it very well could be if I put more time and effort into practicing and learning more things. The thing I can't do much about is being an engaging writer. I'm just not...

I'm going to go and make a page which lists all the websites I currently have open and all the ones pending.