The last part of the title is totally irrelevant, just so you know. Even though I am gorgeous. Obviously (a-hur-hur).
Quite awhile since my last post, and a fair bit has since happened.
The bad news:
- On Wednesday one of our dogs, Kumho, had to be put to sleep due to kidney failure. He would have been 12 next month and, for a dog of his size, he was definitely an old man. It still hasn't really sunken in yet. I feel like I'll see him any minute now, but deep down I know I wont.
Our other dog, Puppy, is quite lost at the moment without his buddy. He needs loads of cuddles with everyone, as do us humans.
- I still don't have a job. I haven't gotten any casual work over the holidays, but, let's face it, I haven't exactly been trying. Especially this past week which has been really awful with Kumho being sick, and a bunch of other stressful things. Now there is no point in trying to get a job until I after I have my teeth done on Wednesday and have recovered.
- Financially I am just getting by, though I don't have enough to help pay for power and phone, etc. Just enough to get Molly's (you know, my cat) and my food.
The good news:
- The bus should be able to be moved into place in the next few weeks. Until then my Mum is going to help me take everything out of it, clean it to it's death (har har), and put curtains up.
Hopefully I should be getting power, and — please, please, please, please, please — Internet in there.
Power will allow the fridge, my stereo and TV, and some other electrical appliances to be plugged in, as needed. Fridge all the time, for obvious reasons...
- It's spring, and aside from the rain, what's not to love about spring, I ask? Not a lot, in my opinion.
- The Big Day Out is happening in January and it just so happens that some bands I would dearly love to see are coming! There is another announcement to come in November. From the first announcement I want to see the following:
I will have to find someone to go with. Maybe I can convince my brother, which shouldn't take much considering Rage are going to be there (fingers crossed).
I think that is all for this entry. I have some time online so I want to get as much done as I can! Hope you're all well; sorry I can't read blogs as much as I would like to. If there is anything important you'd like me to read, drop me an email!
It's been a little while, I know. Have been sick with a cold the last few days, which is very inconvenient as we're having people look through the house some days. I'm also having to scramble about to organise all my online things (fanlists mostly) as well as pack for going away to Auckland with Mum for a couple of weeks.
When we go away we take our dogs and my cat with us because of Dad working so much and stuff. We're taking the rabbit too because we're moving to Auckland anyway, so she's going to stay with my grandma until we get up there ourselves. The rabbit is doing well and is quite settled now.
I went away on June 2nd to see the band The View play in Auckland on June 4th. They were AMAZING. Seriously brilliant and I loved every second of it! I got loads of great pictures, as I was right up the front and in front of Kieren, the bassist, who's definitely not lacking in the looks department. I also came away with a set list and boasting abilities that I held Kieren's hand! So there!
Oh yeah, I ran into Kyle and Steve, singer and drummer respectively, on my way to the loo! They were just standing there talking to some people, so as I passed Steve I grinned and said "Oh my God!" and he grinned back. Then as I was coming back from the loo I smiled at Kyle and he grinned back. It was so seriously cool. Plus I decided that Kyle was one of the most adorable individuals ever after that grin. He's much better looking in person, and he's so...cute! I just wanted to hug him. Which is probably not the kind of look he's going for. Being the cute one, I mean. He might prefer being known as the Sex God, but Kieren's got that one down pat. I think you'd have to be insane not to find him good looking.
In more websitey news, I haven't done any more work on the site since I got back on the 8th. Been too busy!
I had a moment of dopiness a few days ago and decided I'd apply to create two new fanlists, a The View one and one for The View's song 'Skag Trendy'.
I've been approved for 'Skag Trendy' so will make that today. I have yet to be approved for The View one but made it anyway yesterday in case I was approved when I was away and everything. That way I don't have to panic when I get home or when I'm away.
Now I have The Quilting Bee stuff to do and blah, blah, blah.
Must organise clothes to pack and things to take away.
Arrrggghhhh, so hectic!
Billy is, in fact, a girl. Yup. FE-male.
That's okay, I don't mind at all. She will still be called Billy :)
The vet gave her a clean bill of health and trimmed off some of her mats, but due to time contsraints he was unable to remove them all, so showed me how to do it will scissors so I can do the rest.
She's got a really bad one by her bottom and tail which is urine soaked and I am dreading trying to get that out. It's in such a delicate area. (I will obviously be wearing gloves, also.)
Thank GOD you can "hypnotise" a bunny by cradling it on it's back. This way I will not get thumped in the face while I cut the mats out :D
Stupidly I forgot to ask how old he thought she is, so I will have to ask next time. I mean, really, where was my brain? At least I got the most important stuff answered.
(The vet wasn't the one that looks like James Dean, but he was nice looking anyway. Shit, he's a vet - they're ALL hot.)
It's bitterly cold and horrible right now :(
P.S, driving home from the vet we passed a church and someone had spray painted "Satan" on the front doors.
I laughed.
So did Mum.
On Friday we went and picked up the new addition to the family, Billy. He's a bunny and we got him from the SPCA.
Not sure what age he is, but we'll find all that out tomorrow when we take him to the vet.
Here he is:
He's quite friendly and doesn't seem to mind being held. He's weary but doesn't struggle like alot of bunnies do. I hope that with patience on my part and time on his he will like people and actually choose to come and say hi to you. I hope!
I also hope he gets along with my cat, Molly. I would love it if they could be buddies.
Billy's currently residing in the hutch my dad built for our last rabbit, Abby. It's much bigger than most hutches you can buy and the bedroom is upstairs.
Anyway, I don't particularly like the idea of him being out there at night and during bad/hot weather, so I am embarking on building him an indoor "condo" out of these things (there are about 50 million tutorials on how to do it at bunny websites. Google 'Neat Idea Cubes' and you don't even get the company site that makes them, you get bunny sites). My sister got some at Kmart in Auckland, but Gisborne doesn't have a Kmart so I will have to get some when I go up there.
I did try looking at places here but because it's Sunday nothing is open.
This town is fucking annoying like that. Almost nothing is open on a Sunday, just essential stores or bigger chainstores. I was so pissed off driving home because of it. How is anyone supposed to get anything done with nothing open?! Shit.
The sooner I see the back of this damn place the better (yes, I know it has some great points, but they're not enough to convince me it's wonderful).
Another rant: It seems that New Zealand is crap at stocking rabbit supplies. Things like hays they can safely eat, rabbit pellets that aren't also for guinea pigs and don't have deyhdrated carrots/other veggies in the mix.
I cannot locate hay! Rabbits need hay and I cannot find any!
I have asked about this at a LiveJournal rabbit cummunity and someone said that rabbits can eat horse hay/straw, so I will try the horsey stores and see if they can help me.
Even New Zealand based online pet supply places don't have much in the way of rabbit things. If they do it's all the stuff that doen't recommend (like no pine litter as it can cause liver poisening or something).
Anyway, all this frustration is worth it because Billy's great (and also adorable beyond measure).
I really like bunnies. I think they're great companion animals. They have alot more personality, character and intelligence than what most people think they do.