I haven't done a whole lot with the site since Monday because I've been busy with fanlists and namelists. I have two to make and two to finish. I've got time though, it's not a rush; I just want to get them out of the way soon.
I have to change the site's navigation to CSS image rollovers instead of using DHTML, which is fine, it's just making the time to tackle the coding because I've never done it before.
Right, I shall go and play around with fanlists for awhile.
Tonight I finally managed to solve the date issue in my blog. If you remember, the date used to be shown above the post subject. If there was more than one post made on a day then it would display the date, then the most recent post of that day, followed by the other posts of that day.
I wanted the date to display on every post, under the subject (where the time and categories are listed).
I've just been fiddling around with the blog for the last hour and a half. Now I'm going to go and see about revalidating pages. Exciting...
Okay, everything is pretty much switched over now. I still have tonnes to do though, and revalidating everything is one of them.
Bare with me. I think everything is working, which is all the matters.
I have put the new layout for the site on hold for awhile and decided to focus more on my fanlist and namelist collectives. Aside from owning several more listings I want to upgrade Enthusiast 3 to Enthusiast 3.1, but I'm waiting on my hosting to get back to me with some info I need for the configuration.
When I do begin to focus on PrettyBloomers again I want to kind of overhaul the site a bit. I mean, what I would love to do is buy another domain name and begin to shift everything over to it, as I feel like Prettybloomers has kind of run it's course and I feel like having a fresh start. I can't afford to do that right now, so in the meantime I will just clean up the site considerably and get rid of a lot of stuff that I feel is not necessary anymore.
The Quilting Bee has a new activity so I'm going to go and get started on making stuff for that.
Still haven't come up with a genius plan of how I'm going to work out the transparent images issue in the new layout I'm working on.
GIFs and Internet Explorer suck. Why can't everyone just use Firefox and then my problem will be solved, damn it!
In other news, I changed the colours of the layout for Mer de Noms, because the pink was just too....pink. It's gray now.
I should probably go and eat some breakfast/lunch or something.
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