Tonight's Secret Ingredient Is...
September 2nd 07, 11:49 in: My Life, Issues  

Last night I discovered the joys of Wikipedia's random article function. Normally when I use the site it's only to look at a specific thing—I've never actually taken a look around the front page.

Anyway, I learnt about European communes in the Middle Ages; an English footballer; an American baseball player; a fantasy writer; a controversial English author, journalist, and lifelong feminist; and a few other things that have since escaped my memory.

Perhaps not the most riveting Saturday night of my life, but it was a good way to pass the time while waiting for To Kill A Mockingbird to load (it took so long I only watched four minutes before giving up and going to bed). By the way, the book is wonderful and I highly recommend it.

What else did I do last night? Watched Iron Chef America, of course! The secret ingredient was goat though, which, with me being vegetarian/an aspiring vegan wasn't my plate of, erm, tofu. However, I did see the neatest little jellied red wine balls being made. They cooked red wine with sugar and something to give the balls a hard/jelly outside, then put the liquid into syringes and proceeded to slowly put drops of it into a large dish of what I'm assuming was very cold water. They shook the dish and the balls formed. Apparently they were liquid on the inside. Yum!

Validating B2evolution is becoming a nightmare in many ways. It's supposed to be valid! I don't get it because all the code I've put in is valid and the stuff that isn't is probably in some file in some folder that I've not touched since I starting using the script. It's so bloody frustrating! It's not valid strict either, but transitional. I've switched the rest of my pages to transitional DTD for uniformities sake.
Despite all of that I do like B2 though. It does what I want and that's what is important (for now at least).

Ah, finally!
August 12th 07, 21:15 in: Website, Design, Issues  

Tonight I finally managed to solve the date issue in my blog. If you remember, the date used to be shown above the post subject. If there was more than one post made on a day then it would display the date, then the most recent post of that day, followed by the other posts of that day.
I wanted the date to display on every post, under the subject (where the time and categories are listed).


I've just been fiddling around with the blog for the last hour and a half. Now I'm going to go and see about revalidating pages. Exciting...

We May As Well Go Too Far
July 30th 07, 13:56 in: Website, Design, Issues  

Still haven't come up with a genius plan of how I'm going to work out the transparent images issue in the new layout I'm working on.

GIFs and Internet Explorer suck. Why can't everyone just use Firefox and then my problem will be solved, damn it!

In other news, I changed the colours of the layout for Mer de Noms, because the pink was just It's gray now.

I should probably go and eat some breakfast/lunch or something.

New Layout In The Works
July 25th 07, 18:08 in: Website, Design, Issues  

I'm working on a new layout at the moment. I've pretty much got it all done but have some cross-browser compatibility issues regarding images.
There are some images that have transparent backgrounds and some of the image is opaque, so I have them in PNG format since you can save opaque images on a transparent background and still retain the smoothness of the edges, unlike with GIFs (or so I have found). The images look perfectly fine but unfortunately they have white backgrounds in Internet Explorer (and possibly other browsers, I haven't checked yet).
So, back to the drawing board (erm, quite literally) to figure out a way to make the PNGs transparent in I.E, or turn them into GIFs and still look nice.

Other than that everything is pretty good at the moment. I'm really tired so I think I'm going to go and watch TV or something.

Validating Annoyances
May 24th 07, 09:27 in: Website, Updates, Issues  

So, I am mostly done validating every page, but the thing is that I have done my whole site in Strict 1.0 but the damn blog is in Transitional and it still has warnings. I am too wussy to go into the code and try and "fix" them because I don't want to screw up the blog and have it not work when I have got more important things to be doing (like helping my Mum sort and pack the disaster that is our garage).

I'm so pissed off about it! The blog has to be Strict to go with the rest of my site and it can't have warnings! I'm like an obsessive-compulsive freak about it.

I can't put the validation link on my site until the whole thing is Strict 1.0 and has no warnings. I just can't. I can't have my index page say "Transitional" when the rest of my site is Strict.

Just imagine hair pulling and screaming about now.

Insert swear words of your choice here.

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