Tug You Off Your Cloud
September 10th 07, 19:57 in: Personal, Friends, My Life, Music, Albums  

I'm very boring when I update this blog. All I ever seem to talk about is either website related, something to do with dentistry (which is all over aside from my wisdom teeth) and moving. I have nothing of any substance to contribute whatsoever to the world of blogging.

Woe is me.

But I can say this (which I may have done already...): I recommend the song 'Frances The Mute' by The Mars Volta. Just remember that. It makes me gloriously happy, and Omar Rodriguez-Lopez and Cedric Bixler-Zavala are geniuses.
I heard a tragic rumor today though! The new Volta album, Bedlam In Goliath, is supposed to be released next month, but it may be pushed to January.

Oh noes!* Whatever is a girl to do? How shall I manage another three months? My ears will shrivel up and fall off for I will not have the medication they so crave. Le sigh!

There are too many exclamation points in this post. I shall remove some of them.
Actually, no, wait. There are only three and I think they are necessary. Nevermind.

On the subject of music, I will be missing Snow Patrol, who are playing in Auckland on Friday night. We're moving up that day but I wont be there early enough to get to it. Oh and there is the small problem of me not having any money to pay for such things.

On the weekend I caught up with an old online friend that I'd not spoken to properly in quite awhile. It was so wonderful to speak to him again. It would have been easy to just carry on with my website stuff that day and say I was too busy to talk, but I didn't and you have no idea how glad I am about that. More so than I shall write about here, as it's public.

Oh and I know people have commented on my last post. I will get to reading them and replying, honestly. I'm just super-busy and scatter brained at the moment so it might take longer than usual.

*Sorry, I couldn't help myself with that one.

May 21st 07, 20:31 in: Personal, Website, Updates, Issues, Music, Albums  

I think the problems are fixed now.
The important one was the issue with the redirection URL once you've posted a comment. I found a post about it at the support forums. Wish I had found it earlier as that would have saved me alot of torment...

The other problem was only an admin one and not something that would effect visitors to the site. I think I know what the problem was and have now fixed it so that it works and doesn't irk me. It wasn't somethat that effected the working of anything, but it was bugging the crap out of me.

Man, I'm exhausted after all that. Just imagine me sitting here with frazzled hair and a frown, with my hands on the sides of my head and a strange groaning noise coming from my mouth.

I got my View CD in the mail today! Hats Off To The Buskers. Damn, it's good. The opening track 'Comin' Down' must be played loud.

I could do with a thousand snuggles right now. And really good book.