Why The Obession With Weddings?
July 22nd 07, 15:19 in: Rants  

I'm in the mood for a slight rant. This one is about woman who swoon over the slightest mention of marriage and weddings.

Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not anti-marriage/weddings, but I just don't see why it's such a hugely important thing that many woman feel like they need, and desperately want, to do. As if their whole entire lives will be utterly rubbish if they are not married by age whatever.

I'll admit that yeah, I've thought about marriage and I did sometimes when I was little -- I assumed, like probably most little girls did, that I would grow up, get married and have babies. The End. Because that's what society says you should do and it's what you see the most of. I realised this doesn't have to be the case when I was twelve and was most pleased about it.

I've never thought about every detail of the possible wedding I may have in the very, very far off future. I don't understand why so many women feel as though they're validated by getting married, that their relationship will be stronger (hello, divorce rate!) and that they'll live happily ever after.

Firstly, if you have to rely on your partner and the status of your relationship to feel valid then you need therapy. Secondly, marriage does not equal happy partnership -- you can be just as happy and committed while not being married. I don't see marriage as "the next step" -- "the next step" is realising you've got a winner and doing your fair share of making it work for the long haul, whether or not you have a piece of fucking paper that tells you it and you've said as much in front a bunch of people!

Usually I'm not very bothered by people who seem obsessed with the whole fairy-tale wedding stuff, but today it's fucking pissing me off because they seem to be everywhere I turn.
Do something better with your time than plan your possible future wedding which may or may not actually happen.

Oh and spending thousands and thousands of dollars on a wedding is idiocy to me. I'd rather have a small, inexpensive one and a brilliant honeymoon somewhere. Or just elope and not tell anyone and piss off around the world for three weeks. Much more romantic than being enclosed in a thing that resembles a pavlova and twittering in front of people about how you're going to cherish and love each other for ever and ever, Amen.

And only to go and loose your fucking last name in the bloody process, alot of the time!

Open Homes
July 21st 07, 13:05 in: Personal, Rants  

Open homes are a terribly annoying thing.

  1. You have to clean everything on a Saturday morning.
  2. You have to wake up early on said Saturday to do aforementioned cleaning.
  3. You have find something to do for an hour and half with two dogs and a cat in the car.
  4. You have to have strangers walking through your house and seeing how you live.
  5. They will look in your pantry and wardrobe.
  6. It feels like a violation.
  7. It just sucks on an extremely grand scale.

So, there you go.

Billy The Incredible Bunny
May 27th 07, 12:31 in: Personal, Fur Babies, Rants  

On Friday we went and picked up the new addition to the family, Billy. He's a bunny and we got him from the SPCA.

Not sure what age he is, but we'll find all that out tomorrow when we take him to the vet.

Here he is:





He's quite friendly and doesn't seem to mind being held. He's weary but doesn't struggle like alot of bunnies do. I hope that with patience on my part and time on his he will like people and actually choose to come and say hi to you. I hope!

I also hope he gets along with my cat, Molly. I would love it if they could be buddies.

Billy's currently residing in the hutch my dad built for our last rabbit, Abby. It's much bigger than most hutches you can buy and the bedroom is upstairs.
Anyway, I don't particularly like the idea of him being out there at night and during bad/hot weather, so I am embarking on building him an indoor "condo" out of these things (there are about 50 million tutorials on how to do it at bunny websites. Google 'Neat Idea Cubes' and you don't even get the company site that makes them, you get bunny sites). My sister got some at Kmart in Auckland, but Gisborne doesn't have a Kmart so I will have to get some when I go up there.
I did try looking at places here but because it's Sunday nothing is open.


This town is fucking annoying like that. Almost nothing is open on a Sunday, just essential stores or bigger chainstores. I was so pissed off driving home because of it. How is anyone supposed to get anything done with nothing open?! Shit.

The sooner I see the back of this damn place the better (yes, I know it has some great points, but they're not enough to convince me it's wonderful).

Another rant: It seems that New Zealand is crap at stocking rabbit supplies. Things like hays they can safely eat, rabbit pellets that aren't also for guinea pigs and don't have deyhdrated carrots/other veggies in the mix.
I cannot locate hay! Rabbits need hay and I cannot find any!
I have asked about this at a LiveJournal rabbit cummunity and someone said that rabbits can eat horse hay/straw, so I will try the horsey stores and see if they can help me.

Even New Zealand based online pet supply places don't have much in the way of rabbit things. If they do it's all the stuff that Rabbit.org doen't recommend (like no pine litter as it can cause liver poisening or something).

Anyway, all this frustration is worth it because Billy's great (and also adorable beyond measure).

I really like bunnies. I think they're great companion animals. They have alot more personality, character and intelligence than what most people think they do.