Well, it feels like a Lazy Sunday, even though I'm not really being lazy since I am doing websitely things. Mostly answering e-mails and the like.
I made a Lazy Sunday playlist, and you may view it here. Perfect for my kind of Sunday.
Yesterday was my third year anniversary of being a member of The Quilting Bee. I got the exciting news of all the site changes yesterday as well, so that was nice. All members have their own profiles at the site now, and there are lots of new little nifty things for us to squeal about!
On a more personal note, I am currently cutting my upper right wisdom tooth, and I think the upper left will follow. I can actually feel a point through on the right one. It hasn't really been painful, I've just felt quite a bit of uncomfortable pressure in the wisdom tooth areas, as well as all my top teeth.
I went to the dentist (a new one as my old one wasn't very good) on Friday to get everything checked. I have to have some panoramic x-rays done, as well as the regular x-rays from inside my mouth.
We'll see what happens.
I've been making Teddy Bears over the last month or so. I made one for one of my sisters and I've just sent one to an aunt, for her birthday. I've also made a little miniature bear; he's very cute!
Here's the one for my aunt (I nicknamed him 'Teddy Bobkins')
Okay, that's all for now. Off I go to be productive!