I think the problems are fixed now.
The important one was the issue with the redirection URL once you've posted a comment. I found a post about it at the support forums. Wish I had found it earlier as that would have saved me alot of torment...
The other problem was only an admin one and not something that would effect visitors to the site. I think I know what the problem was and have now fixed it so that it works and doesn't irk me. It wasn't somethat that effected the working of anything, but it was bugging the crap out of me.
Man, I'm exhausted after all that. Just imagine me sitting here with frazzled hair and a frown, with my hands on the sides of my head and a strange groaning noise coming from my mouth.
I got my View CD in the mail today! Hats Off To The Buskers. Damn, it's good. The opening track 'Comin' Down' must be played loud.
I could do with a thousand snuggles right now. And really good book.
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