Where Were You When I Needed You?
May 21st 07, 01:13 - Categories: Personal, Family, My Life, Holidays, Music, Artists, Gigs  

I should be in bed but it's times, late at night while using the laptop in the living room and listening to the TV and/or music, that I feel like I can chill out and relax without being shut up in my bedroom or the tiny computer room. It's nice.

I'm listening to music on Cedric Bixler-Zavala's unofficial MySpace page. I haven't heard any of these tracks yet, I think most of them are work he's done with other artists.
I would love for him to put out a solo record. That would be amazing.

Last week I found out my eldest sister is moving overseas (to my brother-in-law's country) with her husband and their 15-month-old son. They leave in July, I think.
I'm not entirely shocked by this news, as I know my sister loves that country and she and my brother-in-law want his family there to know my nephew. I think it's wonderful he will get to spend time in both countries, experiencing different cultures. I think it will make him a stronger person and able to more readily accept different cultures and people.

I will miss them all like crazy, and especially miss my sister living in Auckland City. I will have find some other excuse to go into the city and drink bubble tea, even though it wont be the same without her and my nephew.
It will be hard at times as we are so close, but I'm sure I will get used to it and cherish the moments we have together in the same country even more.
It's a good excuse to go overseas as well.

It's very chilly tonight — has been all day, really. Of course it doesn't help when Puppy pushes the lounge door open and lets all the cold air in.

June 2nd I'm flying to Auckland for just under a week because I'm going to a concert on the 4th. I'm going to see The View at The Kings Arms! I'm very excited.
I'm a relatively new fan of theirs, but have liked their single 'Same Jeans' since it came out here in New Zealand in around February. It was the first single released here, though not the first one released...

Holy crap, Alt TV is playing 'Grace' by Jeff Buckley!!! Be right back.

Okay, it's finished.

...Right, so, yeah, 'Same Jeans' was the first single released of theirs in NZ, but not the first released in the UK (they are from Scotland). I find it weird that they do that.
They're young — average age is 20. It's kind of nice to be into a band made up of people around my age for once. Same goes for Arctic Monkeys and The Kooks.

I'm not going to lie and say that their physical appearances don't have an effect on my opinion of them, because it does to a certain degree, even though the music is what determines my interest in the first place. The bass player and back-up vocalist, Keiren Webster, is absolutely gorgeous. He's this boyishly handsome guy with a quirky personality. He sings their songs 'Skag Trendy' and 'Gran's For Tea', among a couple of others.

People in the UK have been raving about these guys since mid last year and saying their live shows are brilliant with amazing energy, so I am looking forward to it. I don't like to get my hopes up about this sort of thing because everyone reacts differently to performances, so we'll see. As long as I can sing, dance and laugh while I'm there I will probably enjoy!

It's almost 1am, so I really should be going and getting some of that sleep normal people have. Mind you, even if I go to bed at 10 I can never seem to get to sleep until after midnight anyway. I envy people who can just go to sleep after 5 minutes. It's really not at all fair.

I'm finding myself crushing on a certain individual who just so happens to live in my town. I think he's lovely. But there is always a "but", isn't there? I wont go into details, as this is public and who knows who'll see it.
I wish I wasn't so damn shy when it comes to this sort of thing!

"Wait in the fire."

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